Article 2DYJ3 And ever morne and may

And ever morne and may

from Making Light on (#2DYJ3)

As 2016 draws to a close, many of us are looking on it as a year of loss, not just of elections and referenda, but also of people we've cared about. Some of the losses are personal-I'm keeping a number of the bereaved in my thoughts these days-and many more were cultural.

It's the dark time of the year for me, and I don't really know how to mourn right now. I wanted to pick a song that summed up what Carrie Fisher in particular meant to me, but there's nothing there. The Coventry Carol, appropriate to the day, is as close as I come: the impulse to sing away the loss, the inability to do so.

Help me, friends, to remember the people we've lost this year. Let's choose songs* and share memories as it comes to a close. I think it'll help, even if it can't cure.

* If you're doing YouTube links, (a) read the link format hint just above the comment box and follow it precisely; (b) test your link at preview, and (c) give the song title and artist in text so people don't have to click blind.

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