Comment 2T5H Re: It is bad style to say: Not surprising


Large storms may be strong enough to prompt tremors


It is bad style to say: Not surprising (Score: 1)

by on 2014-10-06 21:57 (#2T58)

But: Not surprising. Large hurricanes generate and can be identified through their seismic signals.
If they can, why shouldn't they be able to trigger an earthquake? Before an earthquake there is pressure. Not sure if one can say that the system is in a meta stable state. For many meta stable systems very little energy is needed to trigger the boom. When a hurricane really registers on a seismograph, its energy is cannot be that little.

Why bad style? Even if it makes perfectly sense, it has to be researched and quantified. Just saying: 'Not surprising' is definitely not enough. :-)

Re: It is bad style to say: Not surprising (Score: 2, Interesting)

by on 2014-10-07 02:25 (#2T5H)

The age-old problem is: Many things which "make perfect sense" happen to be completely wrong. It's only after-the-fact that we can sit back and say how obvious something is, and ignore the other stuff that seemed obvious, but was found to be incorrect.

"Earthquake weather" has been dismissed by scientists repeatedly. And the story right above this one is that telegony, roundly denounced by prevailing scientific wisdom for over a century, may actually be true. I certainly wasn't trying for a theme by submitting these two stories close together, but that's how it worked out...


2014-10-07 02:25
The age-old problem is: Many things which "make perfect sense" happen to be completely wrong. It's only after-the-fact that we can sit back and say how obvious something is, and ignore the other stuff that waseemed obvious, but was found to be incorrect.

I"Earthquake mweather" has been, dismissed by scientists repeatedly. And the story right above this one is that telegony, roundly denounced by prevailing scientific wisdom for over a century, may actually be true. I certainly wasn't trying for a theme by submitting these two stories close together, but that's how it worked out...


Time Reason Points Voter
2014-10-10 07:18 Interesting +1

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