Comment 2TWP Re: Dominant stack


Recently discovered bug means most or all Drupal sites have been compromised


Dominant stack (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-11-03 08:15 (#2TWA)

I cringe to think what it would be like if this was a piece of a dominant stack like Microsoft or SAP

Re: Dominant stack (Score: 1)

by on 2014-11-03 11:24 (#2TWC)

Drupal is pretty darned dominant though, in the web content world, anyway. I know Wordpress is probably the biggest one out there but Drupal is probably second I'd think, or not far away from the top, anyway. But on /. and elsewhere, wherever a Drupal thread comes up there's an instant reaction from people who have programmed for it, and they complain it's a hairball of spaghetti code. Maybe this was a train wreck in the making and anybody who knew the code knew sooner or later it would happen.

Still, how would you like to be the person responsible for writing a security announcement that goes, "unless you've patched recently, you have probably already been compromised?" That's got to be pretty uncomfortable.

Re: Dominant stack (Score: 1, Informative)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-11-03 22:35 (#2TWM)

The words you are looking for is Best of Breed or Industry Standard. For CMS this is Drupal or Sharepoint or Confluence. Dominant stack means that your business uses multiple, usually all, products needed from one vendor. So a Microsoft dominant stack will mean than new servers will be Windows Server instead of Linux. Sharepoint instead of Drupal. Even if Drupal is better. Other dominant stacks include SAP, IBM, CA, GNU/Open Source.

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