Comment 2WYN Re: Discovery


Pipedot Turns One


Discovery (Score: 1)

by on 2015-02-07 05:33 (#2WY6)

This is not a feature, but a request for all potential story submitters:
I like to stumble upon interesting, up-and-coming software projects. When nim-lang or Manjaro Linux go 1.0, I'll post a blurb here because I think those are awesome projects that deserve attention (and users and contributions). Please post blurbs to your favorite projects when they hit big milestones!
(but no Firefox or Linux Kernel point releases, please)

Re: Discovery (Score: 1, Funny)

by Anonymous Coward on 2015-02-07 20:07 (#2WYN)

Given that the last dot release of Firefox was quite some time ago, I guess a dot release of Firefox would be indeed greater news than a non-dot release.


Time Reason Points Voter
2015-02-07 22:26 Funny +1

Junk Status

Marked as [Not Junk] by on 2015-02-08 14:43