Comment 3V6 Good news & about time


USB Type-C Connector Specifications Finalized


Good news & about time (Score: 3, Insightful)

by on 2014-08-13 22:43 (#3V6)

I'd be willing to go with this standard even if it had lower throughput, at this point. I bitched and moaned about Apple abandoning USB [The Standard!!!] for Lightning, but then when I started using Lightning I realized how much an improvement in life it is when you can insert the plug without having to think about its orientation. So a reversible orientation USB plug is a good thing. I've personally dealt with, loathed, and laughed at the various kludges already listed here in the comments.

For the record, I miss Firewire though - never understood why they killed it when it seemed to work so damned well.


Time Reason Points Voter
2014-08-13 23:28 Insightful +1
2014-08-15 02:07 Informative +1

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