Comment 3W2 Re: Seriously?


Twitter under fire for failing to deal with horrific trolls


Seriously? (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-08-15 10:40 (#3VX)

People are or can be assholes. If you enter a public forum you will find them and vice versa.

Twitter's under no obligation to police its users or protect the sensibilities of people who choose to broadcast themselves to the world on a two way medium. Too freaking bad.

I do appreciate good forum moderation. But I don't believe it's possible at Twitter's size.

Twitter's not a celebrity worship service, as much of its participants seem to act. It's a relatively open broadcast medium with an equally open feedback loop. That's one reason I'm not foolish enough to use it or any other "social media" besides small forums....

(I was as hard hit by her father's death as anyone, and am sorry for her apparent e-naivete.)

Re: Seriously? (Score: 1)

by on 2014-08-15 10:48 (#3VZ)

I spend a lot of time on Usenet, so I'm as aware as anyone how many jackasses there are on line. But I disagree that Twitter has no responsibility. Code choices affect a site's feel and determine what you can or can't do with it. And that affects how people behave.

There may be no law requiring Twitter to intervene, but good business sense indicates it's in their best interest to keep it a service people like and want to use. No one uses Yahoo messenger anymore, because Yahoo let random spammers contact you and spam you, and people decided to find another way to chat, which - if I recall - Google chat soon provided.

Re: Seriously? (Score: 1)

by on 2014-08-15 11:52 (#3W2)

I'm not familiar enough with twitter to know if you are forced to see all responses or tweets directed @ you. Do they offer tweet filtering, can you filter out foul language, or is it left up to the individuals to block or filter certain accounts? I'm not saying everyone is this way, and I'm not directing this towards Zelda in any way, but it seems a lot of people who might be drawn to twitter and other social media are really self absorbed, and thus more likely to be assholes. These assholes then get to broadcast towards others whether those other users deserve it or not.

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