Comment 5T Re: The sample page looks great


Confessions of an iGoogle User


The sample page looks great (Score: 2, Informative)

by on 2014-02-24 03:20 (#5F)

As does the main page.

If soylent looked like pipedot, I, for one, would welcome our new blue-green overlords.

Re: The sample page looks great (Score: 3, Informative)

by on 2014-02-24 03:49 (#5G)

We should all do our best to keep both sites going. Soylent definitely has more traffic, but there's no reason they can't co-exist.

Re: The sample page looks great (Score: 2, Informative)

by on 2014-02-24 04:07 (#5K)

I didn't hear about Pipedot until today, although I am an active user/reader of a number of the other alternatives. It definitely needs more mention. Be sure to submit a story about its existence to other sites (normally, the creation of a news aggregator would not be news, but given the recent slashdot fiasco it is an interesting addendum to that story).

I was never an iGoogle user and never saw the point of similar sites, but I love the Pipedot homepages and now I'm a convert. It's probably because it has such a limited amount of chrome; it's all content, no gloss.

Re: The sample page looks great (Score: 2, Informative)

by on 2014-02-24 21:52 (#5T)

>It's probably because it has such a limited amount of chrome; it's all content, no gloss.

Yep. Looks great, delivers the goods.

I'm doing my part by putting a reference to |. in my SoylentNews .sig (hopefully in a humorous, non-spammy way). |. also ran a story when Soylent launched--I'm not sure if they've returned the favor. I'd really like to see both sites thrive.


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2014-03-02 09:09 Informative +1

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