Comment YATP Re: old news


3D printed hydrogel "bio-bots" powered by muscle cells


old news (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2015-12-20 10:39 (#Y8ST)

|. Is dying... its a shame I liked the name. Its a couple of dots and a slash away frim saying something

.|. /.

Re: old news (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2015-12-21 03:49 (#YATP)

Have you seen Slashdot lately? It's gone to hell, far worse than any slowness here. Advertorials, and on real articles the few comments have no wit or experience or authority or insight. Just a few dull wannabe nerd teens it seems. I think everyone really did leave. Too bad more didn't show up here, but it is not as if this place ever really got going strongly, which is too bad.


Junk Status

Marked as [Not Junk] by on 2016-01-29 08:06