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Updated 2024-05-10 05:32
Guillaume's company frequently uses consultants. It's a pretty standard setup: Guillaume's employer has many multi-year projects in flight, all of which are layered atop an existing ecosystem of in-house "do everything" applications, each full of their own WTFs.Because of the complexity, Guillaume's team has a pretty strict code review policy. Someone new to the team will write a merge request, a senior developer will coldly review it and provide huge amounts of comments. By the end of the process, the senior team member may have provided most of the code and architecture via those code review comments, and the junior member is left to just follow the instructions.When Guillaume was tasked to review a senior contractor's submission though, that felt like a change of pace. Guillaume still left a lot of comments, but it was more obviously a good merge request. Still, "good" is not "ready for production", and Guillaume ended up in a conflict with management: they wanted the merge now, he wanted the merge right: in compliance with their standards, containing no obvious gotchas, and with clear comments and documentation."This is a senior consultant," Guillaume's boss said, "and they know the product. You need to have a little trust in your senior developers' skills."Guillaume tried to explain that it wasn't about trust; everyone needed their code reviewed because more eyes was better. That didn't budge management, so Guillaume found a compromise: the merge could happen, if there was a follow up to fix the "less urgent comments". That made the users happy, that made Guillaume- well, if not happy, not irritated, and it definitely made the boss happy.One of those "less urgent" comments was on this line:
CodeSOD: True Enough
Managing true and false values is historically challenging. In the world of C, there's even a history to those challenges. Prior to the C99 standard, there wasn't a standardized version of boolean values, but there was a convention which most applications followed, based on how C conditionals and boolean logic works.In C, anything non-zero is considered "true". So, if(0) { … } won't execute the branch, but if(99) { … } will. As a result, when people wanted to make boolean equivalents, they'd use the C preprocessors to specify something like:
CodeSOD: Magically True
Matt P was spending a few hours trawling through a Java code base, working through the poorly documented logic and the bugs and the odd conventions. It was the kind of code base that rightly eschewed "magic numbers", favoring constants, but was also the kind of code base which took that to an extreme which arguably didn't help readability.For example:
Classic WTF: Color Me Stupid
Error'd: Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho
This week brings an ongoing installment in a long-running gag, and a plea for helpwith a truly execrable pun. Can someone please find me some map-related material in Idaho? I promise not to credit you directly!Workaholic Stuart Longland flexes "Yes, I'm working on a Sunday. And yes, I've workedsome long hours in the past. But 56 hours in one day?I don't know whether to crow or cry!ButTRWTF is the fact these phantom work entriesre-incarnate after I delete them." In his own defense, Stuart explains (and I concur)"Monday-Friday is fairly meaningless after COVID and the Queensland Floods."
Minor Revisions
In many places, driver's licenses work on a point system. As you commit infractions, you gain or lose points, when your point score hits a certain threshold, your insurance company raises your rates or you may even lose your driver's license. Where Christopher Walker lives, you start with twelve points, and each infraction takes a few away. Once a year, you have the option to attend a workshop on safe driving, where you can then regain a few of those points.It's complicated and tedious, so several organizations, from the local department of motor vehicles to various insurance companies, have set up systems to manage this information. One of those organizations built a PHP application about fifteen years ago, and it gradually grew in kruft and complexity and confusion from that point forward. It works, but it's entirely unmaintainable.So Christopher was hired to help upgrade it to something hopefully supportable. It's still in PHP, but it's redesigned to use some best practices, switch to Laravel as its framework, and basically be as modular and component-oriented as possible.The real challenge was porting the existing data into the new system. The old schema was a mess. The "simple" problems were all around the fact that once upon a time the database only used ASCII, but was eventually upgraded to use UTF-8, but however that was done made it so that many characters like 'é' got mangled into '‡' or '§'.But all of that was nothing compared to the problems updating the revision history tables. The other developers had given up on the revision/audit history many years ago. Instead of providing detailed reports, they simply displayed "[username] changed this participant."The application tracked an audit log, and it was fairly thorough. At first glance, it even seemed pretty sensible. It had a timestamp, an action code (like "USRUPDATE" or "USRCREATE"), a "detailsaction" which contained what appeared to contain the new value of a modified field, and then a "request" which just seemed to log the raw SQL run to alter the table. That last one didn't seem important, so Christopher went ahead and started porting the old table to the new database.That's when Christopher hit the first speed bump. Some of the records were sane, comprehensible audit logs. Some of them simply weren't. For some of them, the audit fields conveyed no information. For others, you needed to look at the request field and try and reconstruct what happened from the raw SQL. Except that was easier said than done: many of the queries in the audit log referenced tables and fields which no longer existed, or had been renamed at some point. By combing through the huge pile of data, Christopher was able to determine that there were only about 20 different ways those queries got deprecated, so it wasn't too hard to come up with a script that could translate them into the new architecture.The other unusual edge case were that instead of storing SQL in the field, many stored a condensed array representing the row that was altered, like:a:23:{s:14:"participantsid";i:123456;s:5:"titre";s:8:"Monsieur";s:3:"nom";s:5:"[LAST_NAME]";s:6:"nom_jf";s:0:"";s:6:"prenom";s:6:"[FIRST_NAME]";s:10:"profession";s:1:"0";s:14:"naissance_date";s:10:"xxxx-xx-xx";s:14:"naissance_lieu";s:15:"STRASBOURG (67)";s:8:"adresse1";s:20:"[REDACTED]";s:8:"adresse2";s:0:"";s:11:"code_postal";s:5:"12345";s:5:"ville";s:9:"[REDACTED]";s:4:"tel1";s:14:"[REDACTED]";s:4:"tel2";s:0:"";s:5:"email";s:24:"[REDACTED]@gmail.com";s:6:"membre";s:0:"";s:15:"immatriculation";s:0:"";s:2:"ac";s:3:"NON";s:12:"permisnumero";s:12:"[REDACTED]";s:10:"permisdate";s:10:"2019-01-21";s:10:"permislieu";s:9:"PREFET 67";s:8:"remarque";s:0:"";s:14:"naissance_pays";s:0:"";}That wasn't terrible to manage, aside from the fact that the dumps didn't actually reference existing tables and fields. Christopher could figure out what the replacement tables and fields were and map the data back to actual audit log entries.That got Christopher 90% of the way there. But 90% isn't all the way, and the last ten percent was going to take a lot more time. Or perhaps was going to be impossible to do. Because the remaining audit log records stored queries that had nothing to do with the entity that was changed. Many of them weren't even modification statements.For example, the audit log entry that seemed to be about updating a workshop's status from "active" to "cancelled" was purportedly done by this query: SELECT lieux.departement FROM lieux JOIN stages ON stages.lieuxid = lieux.lieuxid WHERE stages.types = 'PAP' AND stages.stagesid ='123456'.Christopher summarizes:
CodeSOD: New Anti-Pattern Just Dropped
Linda discovered a new anti-pattern, helpfully explained with comments.
CodeSOD: Weakly Courses
Kerin inherited a scheduling application for a university. This application stored the scheduled days for a class in the database… as one comma-separated field. This was a problem for Kerin, who was hired to add predictive scheduling and classroom density measurements to the system.This particular function was written to take that data and transform it for display. Sort of.
CodeSOD: Nullable or Not
Nullable types, at least in theory, make our code simpler and easier to maintain. If nothing else, we know when there's a risk of a null value, and can handle it with some grace. At least, that's how it works if we understand what they do.Boaz's co-worker knows that nullables are valuable, but doesn't quite get it.
Error'd: Nice Work If You Can Get IT
Danish cookie connoisseur Jørgen N. contributes our starter course this week. "Cloudera has an interesting way of implementing "Required only" cookies." It's an exercise for the frist poster to explain to the peanut gallerywhat's so distasteful about third-party cookies.
CodeSOD: The String Buildulator
"Don't concatenate long strings," is generally solid advice in most languages. Due to internal representations, strings are frequently immutable and of a fixed length, so a block like this:
CodeSOD: Failed Successfully
Martin's company had written a set of command line tools which their internal analysts could then string together via shell scripts to do their work. It was finicky and fragile, but frankly didn't work too badly for most cases.There was one tool, however, which seemed to be the source of an unfair number of problems. Eventually, Martin sat down with an analyst to see what was going wrong. The program would exit successfully, but wouldn't actually do any of the work it was supposed to. Instead of doing the normal thing and writing errors to STDERR, the tool wrote to a file. Which file, however, was determined by reading some shell variables, but the shell variables used by each of the tools were slightly different, because why would you build a consistent interface for your suite of analytical tools?Eventually, Martin was able to figure out where the errors were going, and saw that it was failing to connect to the backend database. That was a simple matter- just fix the connection string- but why was it exiting successfully when it couldn't connect?
CodeSOD: The GUID Utillity
Let's say you saw a method called StrToGuid, in a C# codebase. Your first thought might be: "Wait, isn't there a built in parse? Well, I guess maybe they might do some sort of exception handling. But it still doesn't seem right." And then you'd take a look at the method signature and see that it takes both a string, and an integer named counter, and you'd think: "Wait, what?"Henrik H had a similar experience. His team hired a new developer, someone with 15+ years of experience. This is what they contributed to the codebase:
CodeSOD: An Animated Block
"There are a few more functions like this in the same file," writes Jenny, about today's submission. This is one which largely does speak for itself.
Error'd: Irony
This week's edition of Err'd gets off to a flyingstart with one that came in "over the transom" as t'were.Ordinarily, expired certs are a bit mundane for thiscolumn, but in this case, where this foiblefetched up is at least worth a chuckle.Jim M. wrote directly to the editor with this explanation."If you're looking for compliance reports to prove that your cloudprovider has solid security practices, be wary of this WTF with Azure.Quoting the site, SOC 2 Type 2 attestation report addressesthe requirements set forth in the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA)Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM), and the Cloud Computing ComplianceCriteria Catalogue (C5:2020) created by the German FederalOffice for Information Security (BSI).Sounds impressive!The link for Azure DevOps SOC 2 Type 2 attestation reportgoes to this link,https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/compliance/regulatory/offering-soc-2,which shows that the cert for this page has expired. Try it here:https://servicetrust.microsoft.com/ViewPage/MSComplianceGuideV3"
CodeSOD: Nullable Booleans
Austin's team received a bug report. When their C# application tried to load certain settings, it would crash. Now, since this was a pretty severe issue in their production software, impacting a fair number of customers, everyone on the team dove in.It didn't take Austin long to spot the underlying problem, which isn't quite the WTF.
CodeSOD: Observing the Observer
In the endless quest to get asynchronous operations right, we're constantly changing approaches. From callbacks, to promises, to awaits, to observables. Observables are pretty straight forward: we observe something, like a socket or a HTTP request, and when something happens, we trigger some callbacks. In a lightly pseudocode version, it might look something like:
CodeSOD: Counting Answers
Lacy's co-worker needed to collect groups of strings into "clusters"- literally arrays of arrays of strings. Of great importance was knowing how many groups were in each cluster.Making this more complicated, there was an array list of clusters. Obviously, there's a code smell just in this data organization- ArrayList<ArrayList<String[]>> is not a healthy sounding type name. There's probably a better way to express that.That said, the data structure is pretty easy to understand: I have an outer ArrayList. Each item in the ArrayList is another ArrayList (called a cluster), and each one of those contains an array of strings (called an answer, in their application domain).So, here's the question: for a set of clusters, what is the largest number of answers contained in any single cluster?There's an obvious solution to this- it's a pretty basic max problem. There's an obviously wrong solution. Guess which one Lacy found in the codebase?
CodeSOD: Uniquely Unique
Giles's company has a hard time with doing things in the database.In today's example, they attempt the very challenging task of generating unique IDs in a SQL Server database. Now, what you're about to see follows the basic pattern of "generate a random number and see if it's already been used", which is a fairly common anti-pattern, but it's managed to do this in some of the worst ways I've ever seen. And it can't even hide behind the defense of being written a long time ago- it's a handful of years old.Comments to this C# code have been added by Giles, and no, there were no comments.
CodeSOD: Capital Irregularities
Carolyn's company has a bunch of stringly-typed enums. That's already a problem, even in Python, but the other problem is that they need to display these in a human readable format. So, "ProductCategory" needs to become "Product Category". Now, it's true that every one of these stringly typed enums follows the PascalCase convention. It's also true that the list of them is constantly growing.So this is the method someone wrote for formatting:
CodeSOD: Exceptionally TF
Steve's predecessor knows: sometimes, stuff happens that makes you go "WTF". While Steve was reviewing some inherited PHP code, he discovered that this predecessor had built some code to handle those situations.
CodeSOD: Fetching Transactions
When companies reinvent their own accounting software, they usually start from the (reasonable) position of just mirroring basic accounting processes. You have transactions, for an amount, and then tagged with information about what the transaction actually represents. So, for example, if you wanted to find all the transactions which represent tax paid, you'd need to filter on some metadata and then sum up the amounts.It quickly gets more complicated. In some organizations, that complexity keeps growing, as it turns out that each department uses slightly different codes, the rules change over time, this central accounting database gradually eats older databases which had wildly different rules. Before long, you end up with a database so krufty that it's a miracle SQL Server doesn't just up and quit.That's the situation Giles W found himself in. What follows is an example query, which exists to answer the simple question: on 20th December, 2013, how much tax was paid across all transactions? For most database designs, that might be an expensive query, but hopefully a simple query. For this one… well… they may need to do some redesigning. Note the horizontal scrolling on today's code, there was no good place for me to add linebreaks for readability.
CodeSOD: Annotated Private Members
Shery sends us perfectly innocent looking Java class, marked up with some annotations. The goal of this class is to have an object which contains a list of names that is definitely not null. Let's see how we did.
Error'd: Time is Time in Time and Your Time
Shocked sharerRob J. blurts "I feel like that voltage is a tad high."
CodeSOD: Counting References
If you're working in a research field, references matter- specifically, the citations made by your paper and the citations eventually made against yours. But when programming, references can be hard.
CodeSOD: Never Don't Stop Not Doing This
It's not nothing to never write confusing English. And it doesn't never influence the code that we write. Don't fail to look at this anti-pattern from today's un-named submitter.
A Slice of Spam
In addition to being a developer, Beatrix W manages a few small email servers, which means she sometimes needs to evaluate the kinds of messages arriving and their origins, especially when they're suspicious. One such suspicious message arrived, complete with a few malicious links, and some hints of possibly being the start of a spear-phishing attack.That was concerning, and as it turns out, the email came through a vendor who specializes in sending marketing emails- but the requested sort (or at least the sort where you got confused about which box to uncheck at checkout and accidentially signed yourself up for a newsletter). So Beatrix tracked down the contact form on the company website.She filled out the form with a description of the issue. The form had a handy-dandy "Attachments" field, and the instructions said, "Attach the suspicious email with its full email headers." So, she copy/pasted the suspicious email, headers included, into a text file, and attached the text file. She reviewed her work, confirmed that the attachment had uploaded successfully, and then pushed "Send". A copy of her submission arrived in her inbox, attachment and all, so she filed it away and forgot about it.Two weeks later, the vendor replied.
CodeSOD: Confessions of a Deep Copy
While JavaScript (and TypeScript) may have conquered the world, those languages have… unusual conventions relative to some lower level languages you might encounter. I recently was having a debate with a C-guru, who lamented all the abstractions and promised that well written C-code would forever be faster, more compact, and easier to read that the equivalent code in a higher level language.That may or may not be true (it's not), but I understand his point of view.Lily comes from a background where she's used to writing lower level code, mostly C or C++ style languages. So when she tried to adapt to typescript, the idea that everything was a reference was inconvenient. An example of a thing which flummoxed her:
Error'd: Horned Megafauna
While we don't know the precise taxonomy of the fabled dilemma, this week's submissions include a few wild examples.Jon has captured a classic sample of the anticancelling cancel, reporting"While bulk-deleting files from an S3 bucket, Amazondangled a carrot in front of me only to cruelly whip itaway at the last moment."
Keeping Things Simple
Sandra from Initrovent, previously featured here on the site, has finally left that job, finding herself at InitAg instead. InitAg is a small agricultural tech startup, a little rough around the edges for a data science company, but overall functional. With one notable exception: The customer portal.The customer portal is a mid-sized Symfony application, built up over the course of 5 years by an externally contracted one-man shop (let's call him Bjørn) who jealously guarded the source code up until the point he decided to drop InitAg as a client in late 2021. Upon informing them he was dropping them, he took a few weeks to clean up some of the code before giving it to InitAg. The Symfony part was mostly all right, with a few small WTFs but nothing too surprising. However, part of the portal's task was the slicing of large (>1GB) image files into smaller chunks for display in a browser, and a few other time-intensive tasks. Which brings us to today's topic: queuing.There's lots of ways to do queuing right. If you're working in the modern day, you're probably going to use RabbitMQ or another AMQP message broker. If it's 1995, probably the Linux system queue. But Bjørn was a fan of "keeping things simple". What mechanism did he choose for the queue? A collection of "task files" (with no defined structure) in a shared directory, and a bash script on an every-5-minutes cron job polling that directory for the next task, which would then trigger other bash scripts that actually performed the long-running operation. Some of these scripts were many hundreds of lines long, and without any form of documentation or comments to explain why they were shuffling files around or performing other operations.Of course, that's not all. It turns out that a large number of the scripts were unused (tasks that had been superseded or were no longer needed), but only Bjørn knew which ones were and weren't active.Bjørn's reasoning for all of this? "I like to keep things simple."It also didn't help that Bjørn had terrible git hygiene and seemingly didn't know about .gitignore, so the directory with all these scripts in it contained about 7,000 of these task files.Thankfully, this WTF has a happy ending: Sandra was eventually able to kill off the home-built queuing mechanism and the vast majority of the scripts, and replace the whole mess with a nice RabbitMQ consumer. Still, you gotta love the guys who like to "keep things simple" by avoiding proven, robust solutions in favor of homebrew nonsense. [Advertisement] BuildMaster allows you to create a self-service release management platform that allows different teams to manage their applications. Explore how!
Optimized Database Access Patterns for Dummies
Initech sold some expensive devices which supported location tracking. Their customers wanted to track the location of these devices, with full history of all previous locations, down to five minute increments.When Eurydice F joined the team, she understood that it would be a lot of data to manage. She was an experienced DBA, and had all sorts of ideas about how you might partition the database to make that scale of data manageable, and the ways you would index it to make access and retrieval efficient.What she found instead was a table called DEVICELOGDAY. It had three fields. The first was a date- only a date, no time information, the second was an integer field simply called deviceId, and the third was a CLOB field called data.There was also a temporary table, a transaction-local table, simply called DEVICELOG. This had more reasonable fields- a timestamp, a device ID, a lat/lon pair.The secret of the dataflow existed in two stored procedures, PACKLOGDAY and UNPACKLOGDAY. A previous developer had seen "we need to store a row for every device, every five minutes" as an unbearable transaction burden. So instead, they decided to store one row per device, per day. That was DEVICELOGDAY. Every five minutes, a device would report its location and put that location in the DEVICELOG temporary table. Then PACKLOGDAY would be called, with the device ID as a parameter.PACKLOGDAY would take all rows in DEVICELOG with that device ID (which, as its a transaction-local temp table, would be the only rows in that table), and append them to the data column in DEVICELOGDAY for that device and that day, as a character-separated-values entry, e.g.:
The Squawk Card
In 1981, Mark was hired at a company that produced minicomputers widely used in retail establishments and small/medium businesses. On the first day, Roger gave him a tour of the plant and introduced him to his new coworkers. After shaking hands and parting ways with Walt, the Manufacturing QA manager, Roger beckoned Mark to lean in close with an impish smirk."See, with each system we sell, we send out a response card that the installing CE or customer is supposed to fill out, telling us about any problems with the installation," Roger said. "One time, a 'squawk card' came back from a customer with the comment, Two dead rats in power supply. You know what Walt sent back? Must be shipping damage. They were alive when they left here."Mark laughed, but then also wondered if maybe he was being pranked as the FNG. "Did that really happen? If so, how is he still working here?""It did happen. Follow me!"Roger led him to the hallway just outside the cafeteria, over to a lit trophy case. He pointed inside at a plaque with an image of the squawk card mounted on it, response and all."There were some people who were pissed off, but, Walt's worked here for ages and has a ton of friends at Corporate," Roger explained. "He was fine! And he's a legend around here to this day."To Mark, it seemed a good omen for the kind of company and culture he'd signed onto. As the years passed, he got to tell the story to several new hires himself.Through multiple corporate spinoffs, mergers, and acquisitions, the plaque in the trophy case endured. It was still there when Mark finally parted ways with the company in 2009, and we can only hope that this corporate legend still endures. [Advertisement] Utilize BuildMaster to release your software with confidence, at the pace your business demands. Download today!
Classic WTF: Scratch One Inevitability
Error'd: Trauma Bonding
During this, America's national season of shared trauma, ourregular contributor Mr. Bargle shares a bit of levity whichmay lighten your mood ever so slightly.Argle Bargle explains"My girlfriend is Thai. She speaks English, but not on anadvanced level, so when we chat, I typically translate toThai. I learned long ago to reverse the translation tomake sure the translation says what I meant. My girlfriendtook a leave of absence from her research position to bean entrepreneur. April 13-15 is the holiday of Songkran:Thailand's New Year celebration. She said she would toobusy to chat with me until the 15th. I mentioned that the15th is America's tax day. As a precaution, I translatedit and then reversed. The attached image is clearly notan error, but it's a helluva WTF. On the left is LOL...tax day in the USA in Thai. On the right is.... OMG."
CodeSOD: Anti-Injection
SQL injection attacks are, in most environments, easy to avoid. Pass user input through parameterized commands and never do any string munging to build your SQL queries. And yet, we constantly see places where people fail to do this correctly.Eric's co-worker is one of "those" people. They were aware of what SQL injection was, and why it was a risk, but instead of using PHP's built-in functionality for avoiding it, they reinvented the wheel- now in a triangular shape!
CodeSOD: A Careless Comment
Today is a short hit, as there's a comment I want to highlight. This comes to us from Benjamin Urquhart. It's his comment, it's his code, and it's his confession.
CodeSOD: Modus Pwned
Conditionals are a constant source of problems for some developers. Russell F inherited some code which needed to take a list of parts and filter the list of parts down to something which customers could actually order.The specific rule was that they needed to include only parts that were: not in stock and not in close out, in stock and not in close out, or in close out but also available. Which, given that business rule, that's exactly what the developer implemented:
CodeSOD: Starting Your Date
So much bad date-handling code is based in people reinventing methods that already exist, badly. That's code that solves a problem people have, that's already solved. But the really special code solves a problem nobody understands or wants solved.Take this C# function from Luke's co-worker.
Error'd: Time is Fleeting
It's astounding...The madness took its toll onChris N. who highlighted Monday "Your Microsoft Teams is out of date! This is after pressing Calendar."
CodeSOD: Valuable Comments
When we share code comments, it's usually because they demonstrate some lack of awareness or some carelessness about what's going on. A comment warning "I know I shouldn't do this" or a comment that contradicts the code in a funny way, that's usually what we share.But today's submission, from Dewey, is a bit different. Dewey wrote the comment, and it was in preparation for some serious refactoring. So this comment is the product of someone spending time to accurately analyze and understand a method, documenting its behavior, and explaining it so the code could be changed to something better. The WTF here isn't the comment, but the code it describes.
CodeSOD: Old File
Let's say you've got an older PHP application. Once upon a time, it was wired together by a pile of includes with no real organization or planning behind the organization. A developer went through and cleaned up the file organization.That's a happy ending, isn't it? No, it isn't, not for Scott. Because the developer doing the cleanup didn't want to risk breaking any files, and thus didn't actually do any final cleanup. Instead, in the labirynth of a thousand include files, many of them are dead ends containing only:
Playing a Role
Initech's latest offering, IniPrints, was a secure automation system for document management. The target audience was the banking industry, which meant that the system was sold as having robust and fine-grained role-based access control systems. As far as any one could tell, that was exactly what Initech was shipping, which meant IniPrints gained a reputation within IniTech as being a "good product", with "low maintenance".When Alan was assigned support on IniPrints, he expected it to be pretty quiet. So he was surprised when three of the veterans of the project, Carole, Larry, and Arthur desceded on his cube with grim tidings."We've got some concerns about IniPrints. You should probably take a deeper look at the code."With that ominious warning, the Fates- Carole, Larry and Arthur- vanished back into the cube farm. The trio had migrated from development to technical sales support roles, which meant they mostly interacted with customers anymore. They were not to be any help to Alan when it came to understanding the software.Unfortunately, neither was the documentation. There was none in the code, none in the commit history, and the code itself was incomprehensible. There was one Word document which was meant to be "the documentation", but it was less clear than the code. When Alan complained about the lack of documentation, his request eventually got back to the Fates, who replied: "check the big red filing cabinet for a hard copy of the documentation".Alan found the hard copy: it was the same incoherent Word document, printed out, and decorated with a series of coffee stains which did nothing to make the meaning more clear.Alan did his best to understand the software anyway. When it came to roles, it shipped with two roles: User and Manager. These two roles were used in the sales demo, and 99% of their customers never dove deeper into the security model than that. Those two roles worked perfectly and had well understood behaviors.Unfortunately, the Fates- Carole, Larry and Arthur- had just landed a contract with a new bank. And this bank was in the 1%- they needed a role-based access control system with much more advanced functionality. That's what IniPrints claimed to have, but the reality was different.The bank sent them a pile of security issues. Alan was the one person doing support, which meant Alan needed to triage and prioritize. He grouped the issues into four categories:
CodeSOD: A Little History
Source control history can go a long way to telling a story. Take Cassi, who needed to run some PHP software which depended on a few binaries and shell calls to do its job. We can see the initial attempt to locate the path of a binary:
Error'd: Time's Up
Aspirational Caleb Su thinks this birth-year chooser is a WTF. "You have to be in at least 8th grade to join, meaning at the verylatest you could be born in 2009." Not so, Caleb, not so! A precocious8th grader might have been born as late as 2013. It could happen.
CodeSOD: Caught Something
One of the easiest ways to create a bug for yourself is to drop an empty catch into your application.Today's rather short CodeSOD comes from Dex, and was found in a payment process. This is code that handles actual financial transactions, which is why the comment attached to a common mistake is relevant here:
CodeSOD: The Load Balancer Got Terned Off
Ilsa's organization uses Terraform to handle provisioning their infrastructure. This mostly works fine for the organization, but one day it started deleting their load balancer off of AWS for no good reason.Ilsa investigated, but wasn't exactly sure about why that was happening. What she did find, however, was this particular ternary expression.
CodeSOD: Audit For Truth
Tony sends us this snipped of C# code:
CodeSOD: If We're Good, Or Else
There are some coding practices which likely arise from a good intent, but sometimes feel misplaced. For example, the "only one return from a function" tends to make code more complex and harder to read, instead of easier, ever if it theoretically makes debugging easier. I can at least understand the intent and reasoning behind it, even if I don't like it.Danny D's former co-worker had their own little rules. Specifically, sometimes when you write an if statement, you definitely need an else. Other times, you don't. That's confusing, because you have to make a choice. Instead of making a choice, just always use an else. Always.
Error'd: Dirty Deeds ... cheap.
I saw my doctor this week and he told me I needed to go on a new diet. So here you go: all natural, no snark added.OverachieverBill T. reflected on his life achievements:
CodeSOD: The Core Class
We've had a bit of a run of PHP in the inbox lately, which is fine, but certainly isn't doing anything to help PHP's reputation as a WTF factory. This one comes from Lucio C, who was hired to fix a hacked WordPress installation.Much of the fixing was figuring out what data was safe to recover, what files may have been tampered with, and generally assessing the damage.While doing that assessment, Lucio found this perfectly legitimate file in a perfectly legitimate WordPress plugin. This file was not altered by the hackers, but…