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Updated 2024-05-20 19:16
CodeSOD: The Truth and the Truth
When Andy inherited some C# code from a contracting firm, he gave it a quick skim. He saw a bunch of methods with names like IsAvailable or CanPerform…, but he also saw that it was essentially random as to whether or not these methods returned bool or string.That didn't seem like a good thing, so he started to take a deeper look, and that's when he found this.
CodeSOD: A Form of Reuse
Writing code that is reusable is an important part of software development. In a way, we're not simply solving the problem at hand, but we're building tools we can use to solve similar problems in the future. Now, that's also a risk: premature abstraction is its own source of WTFs.Daniel's peer wrote some JavaScript which is used for manipulating form inputs on customer contact forms. You know the sorts of forms: give us your full name, phone number, company name, email, and someone from our team will be in touch. This developer wrote the script, and offered it to clients to enhance their forms. Well, there was one problem: this script would get embedded in customer contact forms, but not all customer contact forms use the same conventions for how they name their fields.There's an easy solution for that, involving parameterizing the code or adding a configuration step. There's a hard solution, where you build a heuristic that works for most forms. Then there's this solution, which… well…. Let me present the logic for handling just one field type, unredacted or elided.
CodeSOD: Exceptionally General
Andres noticed this pattern showing up in his company's code base, and at first didn't think much of it:
Error'd: Punfree Friday
Today's Error'd submissions are not so much WTF as simply "TF?" Please try to explain the thought process in the comments, if you can.Plaid-hat hacker Mark writes "Just came across this for a Microsoft Security portal.Still trying to figure it out." Me, I just want to know what happens when you click "Audio".
CodeSOD: A True Leader's Enhancement
Chuck had some perfectly acceptable C# code running in production. There was nothing terrible about it. It may not be the absolute "best" way to build this logic in terms of being easy to change and maintain in the future, but nothing about it is WTF-y.
CodeSOD: We All Expire
Code, like anything else, ages with time. Each minor change we make to a piece of already-in-use software speeds up that process. And while a piece of software can be running for decades unchanged, its utility will still decline over time, as its user interface becomes more distant from common practices, as the requirements drift from their intent, and people forget what the original purpose of certain features even was.Code ages, but some code is born with an expiration date.For example, at Jose's company, each year is assigned a letter label. The reasons are obscure, and rooted in somebody's project planning process, but the year 2000 was "A". The year 2001 was "B", and so on. 2025 would be "Z", and then 2026 would roll back over to "A".At least, that's what the requirement was. What was implemented was a bit different.
CodeSOD: He Sed What?
Today's code is only part of the WTF. The code is bad, it's incorrect, but the mistake is simple and easy to make.Lowell was recently digging into a broken feature in a legacy C application. The specific error was a failure when invoking a sed command from inside the application.
CodeSOD: Switching Your Template
Many years ago, Kari got a job at one of those small companies that lives in the shadow of a university. It was founded by graduates of that university, mostly recruited from that university, and the CEO was a fixture at alumni events.Kari was a rare hire not from that university, but she knew the school had a reputation for having an excellent software engineering program. She was prepared to be a little behind her fellow employees, skills-wise, but looked forward to catching up.Kari was unprepared for the kind of code quality these developers produced.First, let's take a look at how they, as a company standard, leveraged C++ templates. C++ templates are similar (though more complicated) than the generics you find in other languages. Defining a method like void myfunction<T>(T param) creates a function which can be applied to any type, so myfunction(5) and myfunction("a string") and myfunction(someClassVariable) are all valid. The beauty, of course, is that you can write a template method once, but use it in many ways.Kari provided some generic examples of how her employer leveraged this feature, to give us a sense of what the codebase was like:
Error'd: Everybody Has A Testing Environment
“Some people,” said the sage, “are lucky enough to also have a completely separate environment for production.” Today's nuggets of web joy are pudding-proof. Hypothetically hypochondriac STUDENTS[$RANDOM] gasped “I tried to look up information about Covid tests at the institution. Instead I found…this.”
Announcing the launch of TFTs
Totally Fungible Tokens NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are an exciting new application of Blockchain technology that allows us to burn down a rainforest every time we want to trade a string representing an artist's signature on a creative work. Many folks are eagerly turning JPGs, text files, and even Tweets into NFTs, but since not all of us have a convenient rainforest to destroy, The Daily WTF is happy to offer at alternative, the Totally Fungible Token What Is a Totally Fungible Token? A TFT is a unique identifier which we can generate for any file or group of files. It combines the actual data in the file(s) with a Universally Unique Identifier, and then condenses that data using a SHA-256 hashing algorithm. This guarantees that you have a unique token which represents that you have created a unique token for that data. How is this better than an NFT? There are a few key advantages that TFTs offer. First, they're computationally very cheap to make, allowing even a relatively underpowered computer participate actively in the token ecosystem. In addition, this breaks all dependencies on the blockchain, meaning that you don't need to use or spend cryptocurrency to create, purchase, or trade these tokens. Most important: much like NFTs, a TFT is absolutely worthless, but we're not promoting these as some sort of arcane investment instrument, so there won't be any sort of bubble. The value of your TFT will remain essentially zero, for the entire life of your TFT. There is no volatility. In the interests of efficiency, this also performs terribly on large files. How big is too big? That depends on your browser! Enjoy finding out what's too big to encode! Generate a TFT Use the button below to browse for a file on your computer, and this will generate a unique token showing that you generated a unique token. Feel free to share, sell, or trade these tokens with your friends! No information about your files is in the token, so it's guaranteed to be completely meaningless! Give it away, sell it, just write it down on a napkin, your TFT is yours to use as you please! Token: Grab the source and tweak the algorithm yourself!. Also, for convenience, there's a dedicated TFT page which, long term, is probably a better tool than this article, since you'll be wanting to play with TFTs for a long time yet, I imagine.Potential optimizations include: streaming the file conversion so we don't have to have the whole thing in memory, or just replacing all of this with a random number, which would likely be just as good.The TFT for the tft generator code is tft.js;dbbbf23d24502dba96913f18fa031203977b48db090a4a52ff6258a2c3bceecc, so enjoy! [Advertisement] Keep the plebs out of prod. Restrict NuGet feed privileges with ProGet. Learn more.
CodeSOD: A Query About Parsing
Query strings are, as the name implies, strings. Now, pretty much any web application framework is going to give you convenient access to the query string as a dictionary or map, because at the end of the day, it is just key/value pairs.But what's the fun in that? Glen's application needed to handle query strings in the form: zones=[pnw,apac]&account_id=55. Now, enclosing the list in square brackets is a little odd, but actually makes sense when you see how they parse this:
CodeSOD: A Warning Label
An anti-pattern I've seen too many times is using display text to drive logic. For example, I've see things like:
Reinventing the Wheel
There are often two types of software development departments mentioned: the kind where software is the product, and the kind where software enhances or sells the product. ChemCo is a third type: a physical chemistry lab, one with extensive customization of lab setups and computer-controlled devices that need to be programmed, as well as a need for statistics and simulations to handle the results. The team includes one C/LabVIEW magician, one Octave specialist, one Java developer, and one Python scripter. Therefore, most of the computer-controlled setups have LabVIEW GUIs and C DLLs for the logic, though some have Python over top of the DLLs instead.The year is 2016, and ChemCo has just bought a new signal generator. The team's newest engineer, one who knows only Perl, Octave, and R, is tasked with writing a DLL that can be called from their LabView application to control the generator. Faced with learning either C or C++, he chooses C because "the K&R is less than 300 pages while Prata has more than 1200."The device speaks SCPI, but since ChemCo has a real problem with Not Invented Here syndrome, the new guy writes the library from scratch. During the period that follows, he discovers:
Error'd: Truthiness
No loops, no branches, barely a pun and almost free of alliteration.Big-box shopper Worf discovers"This Chromebook's screensaver crash might be Truth In Advertising."
CodeSOD: Constant Success
Dan was reviewing some PHP code written by a co-worker, as part of taking on a project. The code was in “support” mode, rarely receiving changes, getting bug fixes only when absolutely necessary, and nobody really wanted to be the person responsible for it.One of those “not absolutely necessary” bugs was that sometimes, it just didn’t save data. The user would enter a product listing, hit save, get a success message back, but the listing wouldn’t actually be saved. No one had really dug into it, because having the end user do double data entry didn’t bother anyone but the end user.While thinking about that, Dan found this:
CodeSOD: The Threat of Existence
Imagine, if you will, that you see a method called FileExists. It takes a string input called strPath, and returns a bool. Without looking at the implementation, I think you'd have a very good sense of what it's supposed to do. Why, you wouldn't even expect much documentation, because the name and parameters are really clear about what the method actually does.Unless this method was in the C# codebase "AK" inherited. In that case, the behavior of FileExists might surprise you:
CodeSOD: For Gotten About Loops
Today's sample comes from Vasiliy, with no real explanation for where it is, or where it comes from. Frankly though, it doesn't need much setup.
News Roundup: UI That Looks Like $900 Million Bucks
User experience, and its related topic of user interface design, are important. How important? Well the US government’s General Service Administration (GSA) took the time to build a website to explain what it is. What other proof do we need? Well not only did the GSA build a website, but they invested in the SEO necessary to make it top of Google organic search, right below the featured snippet from interaction-design.org. Which is why the saga and ongoing story of Citibank’s debt repayment blunder all the more amazing. Here’s a quick recap:
Error'd: {Obscure Reference Here}
Today's Error'd submissions all center around another common pitfall of the modern web application: failed text substitutions and the ensuing unintentional hilarity.Antipodean Tony B. sends a Scot sir slur, writing "The mighty Beeb dumbs it down?"
CodeSOD: Reaching for Private Parts
Jaco was adding some caching to a Java application. Quite wisely, Jaco wrote plenty of tests around his change, ran the test suite, and confirmed everything was green. It ran fine in testing, but when it went to production, everything failed.Well, as it turned out, the configuration for the production environment loaded slightly different Java classes. One of those "only-loaded-in-production" modules did this:
CodeSOD: Not Exceptional
One of the powers of structured exception handling is that it lets you define your own exception types. That's useful, as your code can communicate a lot of information about what's gone wrong when you use your own custom exceptions.But sometimes, the custom exception type leaves us asking more questions. Christophe found this Java code from a "big application for a big company".
CodeSOD: Two Knowing Comments
Sometimes, it really is the comment which makes the code. Sometimes, the comments make simple (but still more complex than it needs to be) code less clear.For example, Thomas provides this code, and comment, which… I understand what is happening here, despite the comment:
CodeSOD: A Big Raise
Everyone likes getting a pay raise. Well, I suppose it depends on why. And HR isn't going to be too happy about your raise if it comes as the result of an easy-to-avoid software bug.Cédric V's company makes payroll software mostly used in and around France. One of their customers had a problem: when paying employees, it would give them a significant raise- sometimes by two orders of magnitude, rarely by three or four.What was surprising is that this happened to one customer, but none of their other customers. They couldn't replicate it on their test environment either. But once Cédric started digging into the code, it wasn't hard to understand what the root cause was.
Error'd: 4'33"
It's hard to define what makes today's batch of submissions so special. Is it just the futility? Or is it the certainty that nobody nowhere knows nothing?Audiophile Neal S. tentatively asserts "Not sure this is where the lyrics are supposed to be on the Spotify UI."
CodeSOD: A Range of Skills
Ulvhamne works on a team with over a hundred other developers. It's a big group, working on a huge project. And some of the quality in that code base gets… variable. Worse, when a bug pops up, it can be tricky to even identify what in the code is triggering the bug, let alone what the root cause is.For example, one of the config-file fields needed a number to specify the beginning and end of a range. If you put in a relatively short range- thousands or hundreds of values- everything worked fine. That was a pretty typical use case. But if you put in something closer to MAX_INT, everything worked fine for a little bit, but within moments the server would grind to a halt, memory would fill up, and the OS would hang as it ended up constantly thrashing pages to disk.Ulvhamne joked with one of his co-workers. "Wouldn't it be funny if, instead of just tracking the range's endpoints, they populated an array with all the possible values instead?"
CodeSOD: A Type of Code
Like the war between Emacs and Vim, developers also tend to wage a war between "strongly typed" and "loosely typed" languages. There are tradeoffs either way, and I think that's why you see things like TypeScript and Python's type annotations starting to creep into loosely typed languages- types when you need them, but not required. But if you're not comfortable with types, and don't really understand type casting, you might start writing some code like, well, like these examples.Sashi found this C# code:
CodeSOD: A Type of Code
Like the war between Emacs and Vim, developers also tend to wage a war between "strongly typed" and "loosely typed" languages. There are tradeoffs either way, and I think that's why you see things like TypeScript and Python's type annotations starting to creep into loosely typed languages- types when you need them, but not required. But if you're not comfortable with types, and don't really understand type casting, you might start writing some code like, well, like these examples.Sashi found this C# code:
CodeSOD: Leave Some Comments Behind
We have a lot of stories about the code coming from offshore/outsourced developers being of low quality. Today, Radu S sends us the reverse. He used to work for one of those offshore development shops. A customer started development in-house, and then decided that they didn't want to support their own code anymore, and shipped it off to Radu's company.This block represents what he's working with:
CodeSOD: Last One In
A lesson that everyone learns at some point is "don't write your own authentication code." Authentication, like encryption, and like dates, is incredibly complex and has all sorts of ways you can subtly mess it up and not realize your mistake.Take, for example, this code from Christopher. His peer wrote this code, added a single test record to the database, saw that it worked, and called it a day.
Error'd: And then I gave him my digits.
Franz K. anonymously ponders the meaning of existence after this encounter
CodeSOD: Double Your Value
There are many ways to debug your code. You might use an actual graphical debugger, wrestle with GDB, just spam print statements, or rely on a logging framework to help you generate useful diagnostic output.Since you're going to need some logging output no matter what, it's always good to heavily instrument your code. Using logging levels, you can control quite well what gets dumped when. Well, "LostLozz" had a co-worker who found an… interesting way to control logging.
CodeSOD: The Secret to Success
"I was once working for a company that primarily dealt with Oracle products," Tai writes.That vendor, who shall not be named again, provided an installer. Tai ran it, and it failed. Since the installer was a shell script, she opened up the file and took a look.
CodeSOD: A Terned Around Discount
If you browse the Errords, it's easy to see that "giving customers a discount" is apparently harder than it looks.Brian's company had one of those "discounts are hard" problems, way back when. Sometimes instead of a discount reducing the price, it would raise it. The root cause was that the sales team setting up the promotions weren't clear about whether the discount amount should be a negative or positive number. Instead of adding validation to ensure they always entered a negative (or at least, a zero amount), one of Brian's predecessors fixed the bug in their C# like this:
Worlds Collide
George had gotten a new job as a contractor at a medium-sized book distributor. He arrived nice and early on Day 1, enthusiastic about a fresh start in a new industry.His "office" turned out to be a huge warehouse stacked high with books. Upon greeting him, his manager pointed him to a PC in the corner of the warehouse, sitting on a desk with no partitions around it. The manager leaned over the machine and made a few double-clicks with the mouse until he opened up the H: drive. "There you go," he muttered, then left.George stared after him, perplexed, wondering if the manager intended to bring over coffee or other coworkers to meet him. The way he was walking, though, seemed to convey that he had more important things to be doing than coddling greenhorns."You must be George. Hi, I'm Wally." Another gentleman came over with his hand poised to shake. "I handle the software we use to track inventory. Let me show you the ropes."Wally used the nearby computer to demonstrate a handful of the 200-odd Delphi forms that constituted the inventory application. The source code was not in any kind of source control; it was all in a folder named Wally on the shared H: drive. They were using a version of Delphi from 1995 ... in 2010. Their database was some vague, off-brand SQL-esque construct that George later learned had been dropped from support as of 2003.None of this inspired George's confidence, but he had a job to learn. Stifling a sigh, he asked Wally, "Could I have a copy of your database creation script? Then I could start with a fresh and empty database to learn on.""No problem. Come with me."Wally led George to another part of the warehouse where a different computer was set up; presumably, this was Wally's desk. Wally sat down at the machine and began typing away while tapping his foot and whistling a little tune.This went on, and on ... and on. It certainly didn't seem like the quick typing one would do to create an email with an attachment. George shifted his weight uneasily from one foot to the other. As the rhythmic typing and whistling continued, it hit him: Wally was typing out the entire CREATE DATABASE code—from memory.It took Wally a good 25 minutes to bang out everything needed to define 60-odd database fields including Title, ISBN, ISBN-19, Author, Publisher, etc. Finally, the one-man concert ceased; Wally sent the email. With a perfectly normal look on his face, he faced George and said, "There it is!"In the moment, George was too flabbergasted to question what he'd witnessed. Later, he confirmed that Wally had never even thought to have a saved CREATE DATABASE SQL script on hand. Sadly, this was far from the last point of contention he experienced with his coworker. Wally could not comprehend why George might want some general utility functions, or a clean interface between modules, or anything more advanced than what one found in chintzy programming manuals. George's attempts at process improvement and sanity introduction got his building access card invalidated one morning about a month after starting. No one had expressed any sort of warning or reproach to him beforehand. George was simply out, and had to move on.Move on he did ... but every once in a while, George revisits their old website to see if they're still in business. At the moment, said website has an invalid certificate. For a company whose whole business came down to head-scratching practices heaped upon 15 year-old unsupported tools, it's not so surprising. [Advertisement] Continuously monitor your servers for configuration changes, and report when there's configuration drift. Get started with Otter today!
Error'd: The Sound of an Unheard Treefall
Brett N. starts us off today with a timely notification that he received late on the 24th
CodeSOD: A Bit of Power
Powers of two are second nature to a lot of programmers. They're nearly inescapable.Equally inescapable are programmers finding new ways to do simple things wrong. Take Sander's co-worker, who needed to figure out, given a number of bits, what's the largest possible value you could store in that number of bits. You or I might reach for our language's pow function, but boy, in C++, that might mean you need to add an include file, and that sounds hard, so let's do this instead:
News Roundup: We're Going to Need a Bigger Boat
CodeSOD: A Lack of Progress
Progress bars and throbbers are, in theory, tools that let your user know that a process is working. It's important to provide feedback when your program needs to do some long-running task.Hegel inherited a rather old application, written in early versions of VB.Net. When you kicked off a long running process, it would update the status bar with a little animation, cycling from ".", to "..", to "...".
CodeSOD: Self-Documented
Molly's company has a home-grown database framework. It's not just doing big piles of string concatenation, and has a bunch of internal checks to make sure things happen safely, but it still involves a lot of hardcoded SQL strings.Recently, Molly was reviewing a pull request, and found a Java block which looked like this:
Error'd: The Timing is Off
Drew W discovers that the Daytona 500 is a different kind of exciting than we ever thought.
CodeSOD: Spacious Backup
Today's anonymous submitter works on a project which uses Apache Derby to provide database services. Derby is a tiny database you can embed into your Java application, like SQLite. Even though it's part of the application, that doesn't mean it doesn't need to be backed up from time to time.Our submitter was handed the code because the backup feature was "peculiar", and failed for reasons no one had figured out yet. It didn't take too long to figure out that the failures were triggered by not having enough space on the device for a backup. But they definitely had a enoughFreeSpaceForBackup check, so what was going wrong?
CodeSOD: Shorely a Bad Choice
"This was developed by the offshore team," is usually spoken as a warning. There are a lot of reasons why the code-quality from offshore teams has such a bad reputation. You can list off a bunch of reasons why this is true, but it all boils down to variations on the Princpal-Agent Problem: the people writing the code (the agents) don't have their goals aligned with your company (the principal).Magnus M recently inherited some C# code which came from the offshore team, and it got principal-agented all over.
CodeSOD: Optimized
In modern times, there's almost no reason to use Assembly, outside of highly specific and limited cases. For example, I recently worked on a project that uses a PRU, and while you can program that in C, I wanted to be able to count instructions so that I could get extremely precise timings to control LEDs.In modern times, there's also no reason to use Delphi, but Andre found this code a few years ago, and has been puzzling over it ever since.
The Therac-25 Incident
Error'd: Sweet Sweet Summertime
Gastronome Carl hungrily drools "I haven't measured the speed of a snail but it's gotta be close."
CodeSOD: Self Improvement in Stages
Jake has a co-worker named "Eddie". Eddie is the kind of person who is always hoping to change and get better. They're gonna start eating healthier… after the holidays. They're gonna start doing test driven development… on the next project. They'll stop just copying and pasting code… someday.At least, that's what we can get from this blob of code.
CodeSOD: Stocking Up
Sometimes, you find some code that almost works, that almost makes sense. In a way, that's worse than just plain bad code. René was recently going through some legacy JavaScript code for their warehouse management system.Like any such warehousing system, there's a problem you have to solve: sometimes, the number of units you need to pick to complete the order is larger than the stock you have available. At that point, you need to make a decision: do you hold the order until stock comes in, do you partially fill it and then follow up with a second shipment, or do you perhaps just cancel the order?René found a line like this:
The Economic Problem
One of the main tasks any company needs to do is allocate resources. Regardless of the product or the industry they're in, they have to decide how to employ the assets they have to make money. No one has really "solved" this problem, and that's why there are swarms of resource planning systems, project management tools, and cultish trend-following.After a C-suite shuffle at James B's employer, one of the newly installed C-level execs had some big ideas. They were strongly influenced by one of the two life-changing books, and not the one involving orcs. A company needs to allocate resources. The economy, as a whole, needs to allocate resources. If, on the economic level, we use markets to allocate resources because they're more efficient than planning, then we should use markets internally as well.For the most part, and for most groups in the company, this was just a book-keeping change. Everyone kept doing the same thing, but now instead of each department getting email accounts for every employee, each department got a pile of money, and used that to pay for email accounts for each employee. Instead of just getting a computer as part of the hiring process, departments "rented" a computer from IT. It created a surprising amount of paperwork for the supposedly "efficient" market, but at least at first, it wasn't a problem.Before long, though, the C-suite started to notice that a lot of money flowed in to the IT department, but very little flowed back out. The obvious solution, then, was to cut the IT budget entirely. It would fund itself using the internal market, selling its services to other departments in the company.The head of IT reacted in a vaguely reasonable way: they jacked the internal billing rates as high as they could. Since they technically owned the PCs, they installed them with physical locks on the cases. If you wanted a hard drive replacement, you needed to go through IT. The problem is that IT had exclusive contracts with vendors, and those vendor SLAs were pretty generous- to the vendors. One HDD failure could take a PC down for weeks while you waited for a replacement.James was a victim of one such incident. While using a loaner PC to do his work, he and his boss Krista, got to talking about how frustrating this was. They were, after all, a software development team, and "having access to a computer, with all our software installed" was a priority."It makes me want to break the lock and replace the drive myself," James said. "It'd probably be cheaper too."Krista laughed. "It'd be a lot cheaper. Heck, I could just buy you a new computer for what they charge to replace a hard drive."Krista paused, then started mentally running the numbers. "Actually… I could do that." She immediately called a local vendor, a small company, and ordered a laptop for James. It arrived the next day, and once James set it up with his network credentials, he had full access to all the other IT services, like the shared drives.Krista's team was one of the smaller teams in the company, but they needed a lot of IT services. Billed at the internal billing rates, that was a significant amount of money, and a big chunk of IT's budget came straight from Krista. But if she shopped around on her own, she could get everything- hardware, software licenses, basically everything but company email addresses and login credentials, for a fraction of the price.And that's exactly what Krista did. She went through her department and found every piece of hardware they "leased" from IT, from PCs to network switches to even the cables, and replaced them.The IT department wasn't happy about this. Most of their monthly spend was overhead that didn't change just because one tiny department stopped using their services. With Krista's team cutting off their funding, this meant IT had a budget crunch. Worse, other teams were starting to grumble.This lead to a call where the head of IT laid out an ultimatum to Krista: "If you don't purchase your infrastructure from us, we will cut off your team's access to the network entirely. You can't just be plugging in any device you like to the network, it's bad for security.""That's fine," Krista replied. "We can work on our own private LAN, and when we need to give software releases to the distribution team, we'll just walk down the hall and drop off a thumb drive or a CD, instead of using the network drive.""You can't do that!""Why not? You're trying to bill me six figures a year to deliver a service I can replace with a short walk down the hall."While the war between Krista and IT raged, elsewhere in the company, similar battles played out. Krista may have fired the first shot, but the internal market became a war zone.The division which made Product Line A had no interest in selling Product Line B, despite the products being complimentary; their budget only made money when they sold A. Other departments tried to internalize other corporate functions- one department tried to spin up its own HR department, another stopped doing its primary job and just started selling accounting services to other departments. One of their hardware departments discovered that they could shift to reselling competitors products and make more money that way, so they did.Within a year, the internal market was canceled. The C-level executive who had pushed for it had already moved on to another C-suite in another giant company, and was still preaching the gospel of the internal market. Without that influence, James's company instituted a new "Company Family" policy, which promised "no departmental boundaries". People still used internal budgeting to help them allocate resources, but gone were the big piles of money that could just be spent however. No department was trying to make money off other departments. The grand experiment in internal capitalism was over. [Advertisement] BuildMaster allows you to create a self-service release management platform that allows different teams to manage their applications. Explore how!
News Roundup: Flash Point
With nearly one month of 2021 in the books and the spectre of Covid-19 exhausting all of us, let’s do a quick inventory of the memorable moments of the past three months, shall we?
Error'd: We're Number 0th
Drinker Philip B. confesses "The first bottle went down fine but after the second my speech got a little schlurred ..."