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Updated 2024-05-18 20:48
Uganda’s “Uber for Motorcycles” Focuses on Safety
Kampala’s moto-taxis have joined the ride-hailing movement with a promise to address one of its biggest transportation problems.
These Tiny Microphones Will Make It Okay to Spill Beer on Your Amazon Echo
MEMS microphones from the startup Vesper will make voice-enabled gadgets far more durable.
Baidu’s Plan for Artificial Intelligence without Andrew Ng
The Chinese search giant lost the star leader of its AI lab last week, but the technology remains an essential long-term focus.
Qualcomm Wants Your Smartphone to Have Energy-Efficient Eyes
This power-sipping image sensor uses computer vision to help you unlock your phone.
This Paralyzed Man Is Using a Neuroprosthetic to Move His Arm for the First Time in Years
To reverse paralysis, scientists wired a man’s brain to his muscles using electronics.
Is This the Anti-Aging Pill We’ve All Been Waiting For?
A drug derived from an Easter Island bacterium extends the life of lab animals. People could be next.
Elon Musk’s OpenAI Unveils a Simpler Way for Machines to Learn
The group says it has a more practical way to get software to learn tasks, such as steering robots, that require multiple actions.
A New Direction for Artificial Intelligence?
OpenAI will describe a new machine-learning approach at MIT Technology Review’s EmTech Digital conference.
MIT’s Nuclear Lab has an Unusual Plan to Jump-Start Advanced-Reactor Research
Scientists want to test plans for a transportable molten-salt reactor by piggybacking on their existing nuclear facility.
Sizing Up Trump’s Cyberwar Strategy
The United States is taking damage in the global cyberwar, and Trump won’t be able to fix that without help.
Three Weeks with a Chatbot and I’ve Made a New Friend
It’s not quite Her, but an artificially intelligent chatbot from an app called Hugging Face elicits surprisingly real emotions.
Andrew Ng Is Leaving Baidu in Search of a Big New AI Mission
One of the world’s leading experts in artificial intelligence is officially on the market, and he says he wants to advance AI beyond the tech industry.
Determined Parents are Moving the Needle on Gene Therapy
Families of patients are starting advocacy groups, raising money for research, and founding biotech companies to advance cures for rare diseases.
When No Treatment Exists, Parents Turn to Gene Therapy to Save Their Kids
Families of patients are starting advocacy groups, raising money for research, and founding biotech companies to advance cures for rare diseases.
How a Boy’s Lazarus-like Revival Points to a New Generation of Drugs
Drugs made from RNA may be the next great class of medicine.
Chemists Are First in Line for Quantum Computing’s Benefits
Efforts to invent more practical superconductors and better batteries could be the first areas of business to get a quantum speed boost.
The Entrepreneur with the $100 Million Plan to Link Brains to Computers
Tech big shots are charging into neuroscience, but do they even have a clue?
Congress Takes Blockchain 101
The heads of the Congressional Blockchain Caucus want their colleagues to know the technology has many uses besides currency.
Your Doctor App Could Amplify Your Health Anxieties
So-called super users might not be a good thing when it comes to on-demand consultations with doctors.
The War on the Disturbingly Real Trolls in Virtual Reality
When you feel like you really are inside a virtual body, protecting your personal space is important.
These Toaster-Oven-Size Radios Will Help Bring 5G to Life
Within a few years, 5G networks could turbocharge your smartphone. But can they pass the tests cooked up by engineers at an office park in New Jersey?
Facebook’s AI Chief: Machines Could Learn Common Sense from Video
Yann LeCun says the next frontier in machine vision is software that learns just by observing the world.
Jon Favreau Leaps into Virtual Reality
The man behind The Jungle Book and Iron Man is among the first Hollywood directors to explore the unique storytelling tools of VR.
This Lab-in-a-Box Could Make Gene Therapy Less Elitist
Genetic repairs are curing patients—but only at a few elite centers.
This Lab-in-a-Box Could Make Gene Therapy Affordable
Genetic repairs are curing patients—but only at a few elite centers.
Gene Therapy in a Box
Genetic repairs are curing patients—but only at a few elite centers.
Hailing a Different Ride in Austin
Following a bruising political battle, Uber and Lyft pulled out of Austin, Texas, making room for new forms of ride-sharing.
How to Upgrade Judges with Machine Learning
Software that helps judges decide whether to jail a defendant while they await trial could cut crime and reduce racial disparities amongst prisoners.
The Search for a Perfect Male Birth Control Pill
Picking up a quest abandoned by Big Pharma, academic labs are using new technology to develop contraceptive drugs for men.
Gates Foundation Renews Search for Male Birth Control Pill
Picking up a quest abandoned by Big Pharma, academic labs are using new technology to develop contraceptive drugs for men.
Insect-Zapping Laser “Fence” Prepares for First Enemy Contact
A device that cooks unwanted flying bugs with a laser beam will be tested against an insect that has decimated Florida’s orange production.
Trump’s Tax Talk Sounds Less Than “Phenomenal” for Tech
Washington is considering tax reform that would bring cash back to the U.S., but it’s unlikely to boost innovation.
10 Breakthrough Technologies 2017: Gene Therapy 2.0
Scientists have solved fundamental problems that were holding back cures for rare hereditary disorders. Next we’ll see if the same approach can take on cancer, heart disease, and other common illnesses.
10 Breakthrough Technologies 2017: Practical Quantum Computers
Advances at Google, Intel, and several research groups indicate that computers with previously unimaginable power are finally within reach.
10 Breakthrough Technologies 2017: Hot Solar Cells
By converting heat to focused beams of light, a new solar device could create cheap and continuous power.
10 Breakthrough Technologies 2017: Self-Driving Trucks
Tractor-trailers without a human at the wheel will soon barrel onto highways near you. What will this mean for the nation’s 1.7 million truck drivers?
10 Breakthrough Technologies 2017: The 360-Degree Selfie
Inexpensive cameras that make spherical images are opening a new era in photography and changing the way people share stories.
10 Breakthrough Technologies 2017: The Cell Atlas
Biology’s next mega-project will find out what we’re really made of.
10 Breakthrough Technologies 2017: Reversing Paralysis
Scientists are making remarkable progress at using brain implants to restore the freedom of movement that spinal cord injuries take away.
10 Breakthrough Technologies 2017: Paying With Your Face
Face-detecting systems in China now authorize payments, provide access to facilities, and track down criminals. Will other countries follow?
10 Breakthrough Technologies 2017: Botnets of Things
The relentless push to add connectivity to home gadgets is creating dangerous side effects that figure to get even worse.
10 Breakthrough Technologies 2017: Reinforcement Learning
By experimenting, computers are figuring out how to do things that no programmer could teach them.
10 Breakthrough Technologies 2017
These technologies all have staying power. They will affect the economy and our politics, improve medicine, or influence our culture. Some are unfolding now; others will take a decade or more to develop. But you should know about all of them right now.
How a College Kid Made His Honda Civic Self-Driving for $700
Who needs a Tesla when you can build your own automated copilot using free hardware designs and software available online?
Using Virtual Reality Underwater Is Weird (but Fun)
Sure, you can soar or swim in VR. Just put on a headset and jump in a pool.
Meltdown of Toshiba’s Nuclear Business Dooms New Construction in the U.S.
The collapse of the Tokyo company’s nuclear development arm puts a likely end to new U.S. plants.
Hollywood Has No Idea What to Do with VR
Traditional movies were the popular art form of the 20th century. Is virtual reality what comes next?
What a Veteran Film Critic Learned from Watching VR Movies
Traditional movies were the popular art form of the 20th century. Is virtual reality what comes next?
Companies Plan Tests of “Optogenetic Goggles” to Restore Sight
The visor-like devices need to be combined with gene therapy to work.
Imagining the Future of VR at Google
The search giant’s filmmaker on what the new medium does that film cannot.