Comment 2812J Re: and worse


Australian Welfare Debt Automation Cockup So Bad Centrelink Boss Gives Out Personal Email Address


and worse (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2016-12-28 05:15 (#26SPA)

A low-income single mother says Centrelink wrongly issued her a $24,000 welfare debt just before Christmas, the latest in a series of complaints about the agency's new automated compliance system.

On Tuesday Labor's human services spokeswoman, Linda Burney, wrote to the government asking for a suspension of Centrelink's new automated compliance system, saying it must stop accusing people of serious wrongdoing and charging recovery fees until it could be certain the system was targeting the right people.

Last week, a Centrelink compliance officer blew the whistle on widespread faults with the new compliance system, saying it was error-prone and grossly unfair to welfare recipients.

Re: and worse (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2017-01-03 11:27 (#27FG4)

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