Comment 2S13 Re: Is Pipedot now ad-supported?


Parkitect Theme Park Simulation Game on Kickstarter!


Is Pipedot now ad-supported? (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-09-03 01:33 (#2S0D)

Why in the world is this "article" here?

Re: Is Pipedot now ad-supported? (Score: 1)

by on 2014-09-03 10:53 (#2S0J)

Because someone took the time to submit it to the pipe, and I found it interesting. If you'd like to see other types of articles, you know where the submit button is. Meanwhile, if you don't like the project, feel free not to fund it.

Re: Is Pipedot now ad-supported? (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-09-03 16:03 (#2S10)

So if someone were to submit a piece about some artist you like who's trying to pay for making a new album on Kickstarter, you would post it? There have been plenty of great articles recently -- I really wouldn't expect that "because it's there" is a coherent reason for something making it to the front page of the site.

Can you elaborate a bit on your editorial decision process -- is it truly as simple as "it's there, I found it interesting, so I hit the green button"? No other inputs to the decision process?

Re: Is Pipedot now ad-supported? (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-09-03 16:12 (#2S11)

It's not like folks are submitting tons of articles left and right here. I also found it interesting, as I loved the original RCT games, and had not yet heard about this project.

If more folks submit more articles, then there's a process of sifting through the junk to find the good stuff. If there's only a handful of articles submitted then there's no reason not to post them all.

Re: Is Pipedot now ad-supported? (Score: 1)

by on 2014-09-03 17:15 (#2S13)

Seriously ... we'll cross that hypothetical bridge if and when we ever come to it.

The pipe remains almost totally dry, and even the most cursory glance at the history ( shows most of the content here was written, edited, and posted by yours truly. So I aint takin no guff from no anonymously cowardish troll, thankyaverymuch. And if you dislike my editorial preferences, well we could use a couple more editors helping around here, now that you mention it.

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