Comment 12E Re: Followed but taken no action


Because of the heartbleed bug, I...


Followed but taken no action (Score: 1)

by on 2014-04-14 10:35 (#12B)

I'm not a server admin so can only wait on hearing from one that I use when/if I should change a password. My bank told me that they were not affected and I did not need to do anything.

Re: Followed but taken no action (Score: 2, Interesting)

by on 2014-04-14 13:04 (#12E)

Pretty much the same here. I haven't noticed any breaches anywhere either and I find that exceptionally interesting given 1. reports/possible proof it was being exploited, and 2. the severity of the bug.

I know that smell by now, maybe they should just come clean? They could even spin it as having control over what they're doing, hell it might even be true in this case but it's still a horrible idea since it relies on continuous perfection .


Time Reason Points Voter
2014-04-16 17:24 Interesting +1

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