Comment 1RB Re: Unconvinced


What Stinks about Gaming in 2014?


Unconvinced (Score: 3, Informative)

by on 2014-05-19 16:29 (#1R8)

The Apogee/ID shareware model from the 90's was also a kind of freemium: episode 1 is free, episode 2 and 3 are sold. The problem is not in having a free/paid combination, the problem is greed. Game development costs money, so there should be money coming in or the development can't continue. But in some companies bringing in money becomes more important than making a game and the game play suffers as a result.

I agree with the patching problem: the nice thing about consoles used to be that you could just pop in a cartridge or disc and start playing, without having to worry about system specs, drivers, hard disk space etc. Nowadays game discs are just a workaround for people having slow net connections, because you can't play from the disc anymore: you have to install the game and then patch it.

The patching is mostly a problem with the AAA titles though: indie titles tend to be much smaller in size and scope, if only because of smaller budgets. They also tend to be released when the developer considers the game ready, instead of at a time set by upper management. Since I get most of my games from Humble Bundle and Kickstarter nowadays, I mostly know the patching problem from friends who do own recent consoles.

About online harassment: yes, that's a problem, but in 1994 there was hardly any online gaming except for MUDs. I'm not convinced that gamers from 1994 would have been kinder to each other if the masses had been online then.

Re: Unconvinced (Score: 2, Insightful)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-05-19 17:14 (#1RB)

I think the difference between shareware and freemium is that shareware is up front about it's model. Most freemium games advertise them as being free, with the payment as a hidden gotcha (and very nagging).


Time Reason Points Voter
2014-05-20 16:05 Insightful +1
2014-05-19 18:22 Insightful +1

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