Comment PYER Re: I don't get it


Apple CEO Tim Cook: 'Privacy Is A Fundamental Human Right'


I don't get it (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2015-10-08 05:47 (#PTH6)

Is he a sociopath or not? Is this just good for business, or does he genuinely feel this way?

Re: I don't get it (Score: 3, Interesting)

by on 2015-10-08 06:12 (#PTJP)

I'd assume it's just "good for business"... Apple put-in encryption features AFTER the public outcry of the Snowden/NSA domestic spying revelations (Apple was well-aware, but there was no public outrage yet) and privacy-centric and/or non-US businesses were gaining customers at others expense.

Apple likes to loudly tout how iMessage is safe from spying & subpoenas, despite the fact that the key exchange is weak and easy to undermine:


Re: I don't get it (Score: 1)

by on 2015-10-08 18:22 (#PWVS)

Well, they are trying to fix it ->

It's not perfect, but at the moment I would say it beats the competition.

Re: I don't get it (Score: 1)

by on 2015-10-09 05:20 (#PY8M)

Well, they are trying to fix it ->
No they aren't. You seem confused. The flaws have nothing to do with user passwords and 2-factor authentication. That's a whole other area where Apple is (or at least was) horribly, absurdly insecure.
It's not perfect, but at the moment I would say it beats the competition.
No, there are plenty of more secure options:


Re: I don't get it (Score: 1)

by on 2015-10-09 06:55 (#PYER)

No they aren't. You seem confused. The flaws have nothing to do with user passwords and 2-factor authentication. That's a whole other area where Apple is (or at least was) horribly, absurdly insecure.
Such as...?
No, there are plenty of more secure options:

Are you really linking to an article that starts with Blackberry messenger?

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