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Updated 2024-05-20 12:34
Washington, DC Shut Down This Restaurant Over Vaccine Passports. I Showed Up to Protest Along with Senator Rand Paul
It’s time for mass, peaceful noncompliance.
Censorship Isn’t the Answer to “Misinformation.” But Retrodiction Markets Might Be
Spotify is being pressured to remove contentious episodes of Joe Rogan's podcast, but capitulating to pressures would act as an informal form of censorship. Fortunately, there’s an alternative.
The Ban on Organ Sales Is Killing People. It Doesn't Have to Be This Way
Legalizing organ markets would save lives, so why are so many people opposed to it?
European Nations Are Dismantling the COVID State Before Our Eyes. Will the US Follow?
Denmark, Finland, Norway, the Czech Republic, and the United Kingdom are among the European nations who’ve recently scrapped all or key provisions of the COVID state.
Forcing People to Accept Bitcoin Would Be an Attack on Property Rights and Monetary Freedom
Compulsory “bitcoinization” laws like El Salvador’s are contrary to the very purpose and spirit of Bitcoin.
FEE Testifies Before the Senate: Hannah Cox Remarks
Hannah Cox delivers testimony to the US Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship.
America’s First Experiment With Paper (Fiat) Money
In 1690, Massachusetts Bay Colony embarked upon a short-lived experiment in unbacked paper money. It did not go well.
Spain’s First Study on Omicron Finds Vaccinated People Spread COVID at Same Rate as Unvaccinated
Several governments in Spain scrapped COVID passports following the study's release.
‘Lockdowns Had Little to No Effect on COVID Mortality’: New Johns Hopkins Study
But the costs of these draconian measures weren’t minimal at all.
How This Millennial Paid Off $102k in Student Loans in Just 6 Years—on a $40k Starting Salary
There are several takeaways from Mandy Velez’s wonderful story.
Why Vaccine Mandates That Fail to Respect the Right of Conscience Are Immoral
Conscience is a moral right in that it is a precondition for the exercise of our responsibilities.
3 Ways to Engage in Political Arguments More Responsibly (and Constructively)
To fix the blindness of a nation, it might help if we all take a hard look at the log in our own eye.
Why This Harry Potter Villain Was Even Worse Than Voldemort
Author J.K. Rowling once said she "was every bit as reprehensible" as Lord Voldemort. In fact, she's worse.
Can the College Social Scene Be Replaced?
Those who realize how poorly college sets them up for career success can find alternatives.
The Dark Truth about America’s Agricultural System
Agricultural markets aren't free in the US. They should be.
Are There Really so Many Millionaires Asking to Pay More in Taxes?
Millionaires calling for more taxes is a typical “postman bites dog” news story.
The Book to Read if You Want to Understand Inflation
Robert Murphy’s new book "Understanding Money Mechanics" is an excellent primer for learning what money is, why it originated, and how it works in the world today.
Buy American? What Protectionists Get Wrong about Free Trade
One of the reasons the US is so prosperous is the fact that we have a gigantic domestic free trade area.
Poll: Americans Oppose Amy Klobuchar's Assault on Big Tech
It has become increasingly clear that antitrust is not about competition, but control.
What Glenn Youngkin's State Mask Order Gets Right—and Wrong
Keep the government out of the free market.
Is College Education a Human Right?
Respecting negative rights not only avoids the problems introduced by positive rights, it also makes higher education better and potentially cheaper—just by giving people the freedom to choose.
What is an NFT—and Why Are Some Worth So Much Money?
How NFTs are all about property rights
Elon Musk is Right: Governments Shouldn’t Control Land on Other Planets
Productive people like Elon Musk who open up Mars to colonization should be able to do so free of government interference.
Some States Are Trying to Cap Travel Nurses’ Pay. Here’s Why That’s a Bad Idea
Those who wish to implement price caps really just wish to ignore the reality of scarcity.
Amy Klobuchar’s Antitrust Bill Would Harm Consumers to Score a Blow Against Big Tech
The “American Innovation and Choice Online Act,” is tailored in a way that singles out and attacks some of the most successful companies in America.
3 Bob Marley Songs That Show His Sneaky Libertarian Streak
Bob Marley hated politics, but he sure loved freedom.
Biden Administration Quietly Burdened Americans with $201 Billion in Hidden Taxes Last Year, Report Finds
Biden has also imposed 131 million hours of new annual paperwork on Americans.
‘We Failed’: Danish Newspaper Apologizes For Its COVID Coverage
Ekstra Bladet, one of Denmark’s largest newspapers, gleaned one of the most important lessons in journalism during the pandemic.
Is Star Trek’s Dream of a World Without Money Utopian or Dystopian?
Is a moneyless society a truly futuristic idea—one we should strive for? Or is it actually primitive and unworkable?
The World’s Oldest Republic Reveals the Secret to Peace and Prosperity
It’s a place where people live and let live.
The Last Leg Universities Stand On Is Collapsing
The world of education is not what it used to be.
Where Have All the Capitalists Gone?
Duke University professor Richard Salsman asks an alarming rhetorical question in his new book.
College COVID Policies Are Getting Even More Restrictive
As the Omicron surge crests, campus COVID restrictions are getting even tighter.
Was Dave Ramsey Right or Wrong about the Responsibilities (or Lack Thereof) of Christian Capitalists?
Personal finance guru Dave Ramsey recently caused a stir over comments he made in a recent interview about charging market rates for rent. But does he have a point?
CDC: Natural Immunity Offered Stronger Protection Against COVID Than Vaccines During Delta Wave
Vaccinated individuals and those who had recovered from COVID-19 both showed significant defense against the Delta variant, the CDC announced.
Student Debt Forgiveness Would Benefit 'High-Wealth Households' the Most, New Study Says
Forget robbing the rich to feed the poor; student debt cancellation is robbing the workers to give bailouts to the wealthy.
What East Germany Can Teach Americans about the Current Supply Chain Crisis
America's current supply chain problems are unusual. So why do they normally not occur?
Jordan Peterson Calls Out Justin Trudeau as Canada Considers Mandatory Vaccination
Quebec is already moving forward with a tax on unvaccinated citizens.
Meet the Jesuit Priest Who Rebelled Against Authoritarianism and Inspired America’s Revolutionaries
Juan de Mariana was dragged before the Inquisition on charges of treason for arguing that 'natural law is morally superior to the might of the state.'
(Another) Top Obama Economist Offers Harsh Assessment of Elizabeth Warren’s Inflation Theory
Harvard economist Jason Furman said the notion that "corporate greed" is driving inflation is not grounded in sound economics.
Why the Separation of Bank and State Is so Important
For centuries, the extraordinary influence and prosperity of the tiny Republic of Genoa stemmed not from a political leader but from a well-run private bank.
$800 Billion Stimulus Program Failed Terribly and Mostly Benefited the Wealthy, MIT Economist Finds
About 75 percent of the benefits went to the top 20 percent of earners.
Spending an Hour with Dr. King
If you could spend one hour with MLK, what would you talk about with him?
This Couple Sold a Man Cannabis for His Dying Mom. Now They Face Life in Prison
The real criminal in this case is the state.
Why ‘Black Minds Matter’ Could Be a Game-Changer for Families Trapped in America's Struggling Schools
Black lives and minds matter.
How the Roman Empire Provided the Founding Fathers a Blueprint for America’s Economy
Roman Imperial advancements in free trade, property rights, and urbanization offered the Founding Fathers a vision for what America could be and a blueprint for the American Dream.
Why Calling Your Intellectual Opponents "Deniers" Is Bad for Scientific Progress
Contentious scientific questions should be vigorously debated, not smugly shut down.
Elon Musk Had the Pandemic Right From the Very Beginning
In the third year of this pandemic, it appears government officials are finally starting to listen to Elon Musk.
The Djokovic Fiasco Exposes the Absurdity of Australia's "Zero-COVID" Measures
Australia revoked Novak Djokovic's visa again, days after a judge reinstated it.
New York, California, and Illinois Saw Historic Population Drops in 2021
Regardless of the reason, the data are clear. Americans want out of these states.