Pipe 1ASRH Jetico Personal Firewall now free for users with Windows 8 or earlier

Jetico Personal Firewall now free for users with Windows 8 or earlier

Anonymous Coward
in security on (#1ASRH)
"HELSINKI, Finland - April 13, 2016 - Jetico, developer of world-class data protection software, announced today that its Jetico Personal Firewall, previously retailing at a premium rate, will now be available as a free download for users with Windows 8 or earlier. Jetico stated that the strategic maneuver will help the company devote more time and resources to its increasingly popular data wiping and encryption software."

""Converting Jetico Personal Firewall to a free download is an important strategic step," said Jetico CEO, Michael Waksman. "Not only are we able to better serve our customers in the long run, but we're better positioned to maintain our status as the industry's premier experts focused purely on data protection." He continued, "I want to thank our firewall users for entrusting Jetico with their network protection for over ten years. Without your input and loyalty, we wouldn't be where we are today.""

- http://www.jetico.com/about-jetico/newsroom/734-jetico-personal-firewall-now-free-focusing-r-d-on-wiping-and-encryption-software
- https://archive.is/QSDiX


Where Can I Download It?

Here: http://www.jetico.com/products/personal-privacy/personal-firewall


Note: While this software is now free, I don't think it's free as in FOSS. I believe it remains a proprietary program.
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Awesome (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2016-04-22 13:08 (#1BDVF)
