Pipe 1EKRY GRC Releases Program to Prevent Windows 10 Upgrade

GRC Releases Program to Prevent Windows 10 Upgrade

Anonymous Coward
in security on (#1EKRY)
Microsoft has recently started forcing and tricking Windows users to upgrading to Windows 10. To combat this the Gibson Research Corporation has released a program named Never10 to prevent Windows from upgrading to Windows 10. While it is sad to see a corporation as large as Microsoft ignoring user requirements and preferences not to upgrade software it is good to see security researchers releasing tools to protect the rights and decisions of system owners.
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  • Closed (No longer relevant)
Reply 5 comments

Only for newer versions of the windows update program (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2016-05-22 11:31 (#1EKS2)

Will not work for the older versions.

Gibson is no security researcher (Score: 1)

by evilviper@pipedot.org on 2016-05-22 14:09 (#1EM3F)

GRC has no "security researchers". It's practically a one-man operation, and Gibson is just a loud-mouthed twit with no security experience. He's been widely denounced by actual security experts. Just see the controversy around his Windows XP SOCK_RAW and WMF bug/Windows backdoor claims. And his most popular work, the "SpinRite" app, is just a load of snake-oil he's managed to con a decent number of people into paying for...

The old grcsucks.com is gone, but there are still several sites dedicated to exposing his fraud, mistakes and lies over the years:



Re: Gibson is no security researcher (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2016-06-06 14:08 (#1G9Q9)

Re: Gibson is no security researcher (Score: 1)

by evilviper@pipedot.org on 2016-06-06 15:29 (#1G9YQ)

Any idiot can do a random password generator, which is why you can find thousands of them. It's practically the next step after writing a "Hello World".

Here's a quick random password generator for *nix:
head -c 56 /dev/urandom | base64
Over-hyping some trivial and mundane program is just what GRC always does.

Any more relevance? (Score: 1)

by evilviper@pipedot.org on 2016-08-06 21:31 (#1PQ4P)

Unless I'm mistaken, Win10 updates are no longer being pushed for free, so this program seems to be unnecessary.