Pipe 2S3F Miss Piggy 'Deeply Saddened' by Joan Rivers' Passing

Miss Piggy 'Deeply Saddened' by Joan Rivers' Passing

Anonymous Coward
in robotics on (#2S3F)
"Moi is deeply saddened by the passing of my friend and fellow legend, Joan Rivers," Miss Piggy said in a statement on Thursday. "From our first appearance together as battling make-up counter girls in The Muppets Take Manhattan to our recent appearances together on QVC (Joan called it 'The Thrilla in Manolos'), we were always two of a kind. I will miss her. Can we talk? You bet we can, Joan! Forever and ever!"

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Reply 1 comments

Maybe not the right place for this. (Score: 1)

by spacebar@pipedot.org on 2014-09-05 14:48 (#2S3M)

You're on a tech news site, AC, maybe not the place for Ms. Piggy and Joan Rivers.