Pipe 5ZX2 Australia metadata retention laws passed and are easily bypassed

Australia metadata retention laws passed and are easily bypassed

Anonymous Coward
in legal on (#5ZX2)
The Australian senate passed a law to retain all metadata for two years for phone and internet communications. 2500 "metadata police" can now allow accept to phone and internet records. Australians still do not know how much this will cost or who will pay. Several parties have stated that metadata collection can be easily bypassed including George Brandis and other MPs, the Australia Pirate Party and notable commentators.


2015-04-01 10:14
Australia metadata retention laws passed, but easily circumvented
The Australian senate passed a law to retain all metadata for two years for phone and internet communications. 2500 "metadata police" can now allow accept to phone and internet records. Australians still do not know how much this will cost or who will pay. Several parties have stated that metadata collection can be easily bypassed including George Brandis and other MPs, the Australia Pirate Party and notable commentators.
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