Pipe F5S7 Bill Gates to roll out remote control microchip-based sterilization of women

Bill Gates to roll out remote control microchip-based sterilization of women

Anonymous Coward
in ask on (#F5S7)

"report noted that the chip is expected to remain viable for at least 16 years once implanted.

While the "target" population is poor, third-world women, such technology is, of course, ripe for abuse. After all, think about it: If that demographic is the primary target, why would the chips need to be encrypted? How many third-world populations have within their midst the technological capability or the power to resist?

When he began Microsoft, Bill Gates likely never thought he'd become rich enough to hold the power of life in his hands. Talk about your "evil corporations.""
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  • Closed (Baseless conspiracy-theory)
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