Article 56VSV 2020 27-inch iMac review: A classic Mac for the end of an era

2020 27-inch iMac review: A classic Mac for the end of an era

Samuel Axon
from Ars Technica - All content on (#56VSV)
  • 2020-27-inch-iMac-front-980x848.jpeg

    The front of the 2020 27-inch iMac. [credit: Samuel Axon ]

It's a weird time to be in the market for a new Mac. Earlier this summer, Apple announced that it will begin rolling out Apple Silicon-its in-house-designed riff on ARM processors as seen before in the iPhone and iPad-to the Mac product line. That marks a seismic shift in direction for the Mac.

But the company also said it would be releasing new Macs that use Intel's CPUs-the more traditional choice for desktop and laptop computers-in the future and supporting Intel-based Macs for years to come.

Enter the new 27-inch iMac, announced just a couple of weeks ago. It's the first new Mac product since the Apple Silicon announcement, and it's a refresh for one of the company's most iconic and popular products-one that's been falling behind the rest of the Mac lineup for a while now.

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