Story 3MT All I Want for Xmas Are Wolverine Claws and Magnetic Shoes

All I Want for Xmas Are Wolverine Claws and Magnetic Shoes

in hardware on (#3MT)
Here's the world's biggest X-Men fan. Not only has he gained fame for building a set of fully operational, retractable Wolverine claws , he has now tipped his hat to Magneto by building a set of magnetic shoes that allow him to walk on the ceiling .

Gear up with these two things and your next office team meeting just got a lot more interesting.
Reply 6 comments

Awesome!! (Score: 3, Insightful)

by on 2014-05-23 13:47 (#1W1)

The guy is both crazy and awesome, love the energy. I'd probably be acting the same way if I had pneumatic claws I could run around just cutting stuff up with.

Re: Awesome!! (Score: 1)

by on 2014-05-23 14:48 (#1W3)

Got to love the hackerspace energy/philosphy too, even if the guy does look a bit nuts. We need more of these creative types.

Re: Awesome!! (Score: 2, Funny)

by on 2014-05-23 14:48 (#1W4)

Just occured to me too, imagine if the military suddenly decided this would be the coolest thing ever and ordered a million of them. Not only would the guy be a millionaire, but we'd have military/wolverine folks running around - interesting.

Re: Awesome!! (Score: 1)

by on 2014-05-24 13:12 (#1WF)

Honestly, the gadgets themselves don't impress me that much; they are bulky and don't really do anything innovative. They are things people could have done for years but haven't because, frankly, the disadvantages by far outweigh any any advantages (although the sparking claws were a nice touch)

But you gotta admire that guy's enthusiasm.

Re: Awesome!! (Score: 1)

by on 2014-05-24 18:49 (#1WK)

...unless he's your neighbor and you've got kids, in which case, "um, kids, stay away from the guy next door with the wolverine claws, stomping around on the ceiling. And don't try to sell him any girl scout cookies or magazine subscriptions."

Re: Awesome!! (Score: 1, Insightful)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-05-24 19:26 (#1WN)

Those claws were pretty amazing, much more viscerally impressive than the shoes. They also seemed incredibly, incredibly dangerous. To him.

But this guy and people like him are the role models for future geeks.

To think that for some us growing up it was just Mr. Wizard. RIP.