Article 6BA51 Should I get a gun for self defense?

Should I get a gun for self defense?

from on (#6BA51)

Hi, I am a student at one of many universities in the United States and I will soon be getting my own apartment after moving out of the dorms.

The city I am in has a large crime rate with assaults, large amounts of violence, and on top of that I have had my life threatened multiple times by people much bigger than me (I am average height) because I break their little big boy ego balls too easily. Sadly the apartment I'm moving into is in the middle of a pretty rough area and I don't have another option.

I do believe in owning guns for self defense. After my life was threatened I do believe it is something I want to look into, but I don't know for sure where to start. I'm not worried about carrying a gun on my person at all times (considering I'm a student), but I would like to have one in my home in case its broken into. I don't want to have the gun out and about for everyone to see, but I also don't want it locked behind a facial recognition 36 pin combo fingerprint scanning safe because I would be dead by the time I opened it.

Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated! Thanks

submitted by /u/Realistic_Drummer_48
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