Article 6B258 Handgun recommendation for animal protection in Montana

Handgun recommendation for animal protection in Montana

from on (#6B258)

Been living in Montana for a while now but had my first real close encounter with an angry grizz Thursday while shed hunting. I always carry bear spray and typically bear busters in areas I know have high activity. While looking around some deer beds I heard some crunching and noticed a grizzly about 50 feet away, grabbed my bear spray and started making noise. This didn't really deter it however and it kept moseying towards me. Luckily I was about the same distance from where I parked my Jeep and was able to make it there. This made me realize I may have some protection but if my bear spray fails or the bear is determined I am SOL. I am a pretty big hunter typically pheasants, waterfowl, and deer but never really had a need for a handgun and am not too knowledgeable. This event has made me want to get a handgun for extra protection and am curious what recommendations y'all have.

submitted by /u/_jackkk
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