In the latest Jurassic Park installment, Massie Lockwood reminds us that a moral society will protect the right of individuals to choose, not violate their rights with force.
While Rand is perhaps most renowned for her political and moral philosophy, Objectivism constitutes a full philosophical system that includes a beautiful theory of love.
Slavery cannot be justified or excused by enlightened people, but it can be studied, explained, put in context, and understood—if all the facts of it are in the equation.
As AI proliferates, it will become impossible to ignore the fact that students will be able to score a significant number of points in one minute by having AI write for them.
Like James Bond, British spy William Stephenson (aka Intrepid) had a "license to kill" and a taste for potent martinis. But his life also raises important questions about the methods of government spy agencies, including the CIA.
Thompson’s blistering attacks on political and economic authoritarianism abroad mirrored what she often said about similar developments here in America.
After decades of forced sterilizations followed by feeble apologies, California is shifting to the endgame of its century-long sterilization program: taxing innocent citizens to pay off its victims.
Every dollar the government must borrow is a dollar not available for private businesses or individuals to borrow, and that reduces future economic growth and job creation.
Markets might not be perfectly efficient, but they’re efficient enough that most investors should recognize that iftheyknow something about a stock, the price already reflects it.
In 'Democracy in America,' Alexis de Tocqueville explained how the “principle ideas” of New England foundation served as the foundation of social theory in the United States.