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Updated 2025-03-07 02:49
Adorable doggo turns 12 and gets a Big Mac to celebrate her birthday
“My dog Pip turned 12 the other day and we gave her a Big Mac to celebrate,” says IMGURian Amandazander1d.(more…)
The Vlogbrothers break down the differences between Trump and Clinton’s tax plans
In just 10 minutes, John Green takes a deep dive into both candidates’ proposals.
Two turtles, one hat
It’s a classic problem: two turtles, one hat. Well, maybe not classic, but you get the idea. In the just-released and last book of his Hat series, Jon Klassen’s wit shines. Though his previous two Hat stories feature different characters, they both begin with a common problem – a stolen hat. We Found A Hat, however, is all about the moments before the grab.There is so much brilliance in this book, and to be fully appreciated, it helps to know the series, as the pace and place of each differs subtly but smartly. In I Want My Hat Back, we clod through the forest with a bear, who slowly comes to the realization of who stole his hat at a pace not unlike that of one waking up from a long winter’s rest. In This Is Not My Hat, readers tail an underwater chase that is slow but necessarily suspenseful, with images and ending that, like vision under water, are clear enough, but not quite. We Found A Hat, perhaps fittingly for the last in the series, takes place in the desert. Who better than turtles to force the reader to slow down and savor the moral agony of friendship versus fashion? In this barren landscape, there are sounds in the pictures – the shape of the cacti echoes that of the newly found 10-gallon hat and the rocks echoes the turtles’ shells. The overall design of word and text calls back to each of the previous books.The only thing that could make this book better is if Klassen partnered with a milliner to offer a box set complete with accompanying headwear. One could only hope.See sample pages from this book at Wink.
New York Times responds to Donald Trump's lawsuit threat: bring it on
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump boasted of groping women. This opened the gates, and women came forward with claims of Trump groping them. The New York Times reported their allegations. Trump threatened to sue the Times. Times lawyer David E. McCraw responds:
Mondo Mod - 1967 documentary of Sunset Strip scene
An exploitation documentary that looks at Los Angeles youth culture in the 1960s. Without mobile phones they had to amuse themselves with sex, drugs, music, surfing, and motorcycles.From the YouTube description:
San Francisco's competitive lightsaber academy opens this week
LudoSport is an international network for "sporting lightsaber combat" and they've just landed their first US location in San Francisco.Via the SF Chron:
Looney Tunes Anti-Drug PSAs from the 1970s
Here's Mel Blanc channeling Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Sylvester, and other Looney Tunes characters decrying the use of hard drugs.
My 9-year-old daughter is tearing through the Land of Stories series
Yesterday my daughter insisted we go to the bookstore and get the third installment in Chris Colfer's Land of Stories series. These addictive fantasy adventures have her reading rather than asking to watch teen web series about hair styles!I was thrilled and a little bit shocked when my kid's requested activity on a day off of school was to go to the bookstore. I assumed we were in for another long perusal, punctuated by me repeating the mantra "one fashion magazine AFTER you choose a book!" but she went straight to a clerk, asked for the book she wanted and was pleased as punch to find there was one copy left. She cheerfully brought it over and started to tell me all about it! Amazingly, I'd never heard of this Land of Stories.Seems twins, Alex and Conner, are swept into the land of fairytales through their recently passed away father's magic journal. Their grandmother turns out to be a fairy-grandmother, and the two go on various quests with familiar fairy tale characters. While fun and fantastic, the content isn't all whimsical as the twins learn to cope with the loss of their Dad in the first book, and rescue their Mom in the second.The characters must be engaging, as my daughter clearly and animatedly discusses them. She could not wait to read the third book in the series, opening it as we left the store and double checking her backpack for it this morning.While Colfer may be better known for his fantastic role on Glee, this series is helping teach my daughter to love reading.The Wishing Spell is the first book in the series.Land of Stories by Chris Colfer via Amazon
How to make selfies look like portrait photographs
There's nothing wrong with "big noses, weak chins, and sloping foreheads" but if you want to adjust your selfies to make them less distorted, give this a try. It's based on a research project called "Perspective-aware Manipulation of Portrait Photos" by Ohad Fried, Eli Shechtman, Dan B Goldman, and Adam Finkelstein. And was created by Brian McSwiggen and John Morone, advised by Ohad Fried and Adam Finkelstein.
The Attention Merchants: a deep dive into the origins of the surveillance economy
Comparing Trump and Clinton's careers is funny, ironic and sad
The Clinton campaign has released a tool that compares notable events in the Democratic and Republican candidates for President lives, year over year. Someone at the Clinton campaign has a wonderful sense of irony, and humor, as the entries are frequently regrettably hilarious.It also stands as sad testimony to the state of our union, when a woman whose life has clearly been dedicated to public service has to suffer the meaningless, hate filled rage of a misogynist billionaire blowhard. The Trump campaign continues to tarnish our national dignity.Hillary could simply respond to Trump in the next debate by reading these.The Making of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
Watch the world’s fastest clapper in action
Eli Bishop currently holds the Guinness World Record for most claps in a minute (1,020). And here he is clapping to music too:https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_4035691037&feature=iv&src_vid=dqTYvrewLhk&v=Mro2daxahj4
“I Would Love To Live In A Country Where…” perfectly encapsulates the 2016 election
Ijeoma Oluo’s latest for The Establishment is one of the best, most empathetic pieces I have read on this election. Here's an excerpt:
Bridge demolition fails in spectacular fashion
A large crowd came out to watch The Broadway Bridge in Little Rock, Arkansas be demolished. Either the bridge builders were very good, or the demolition team was very bad (maybe both), because the bridge withstood an impressive explosion. (more…)
Watch glassblowers craft a massive vessel for 90 minutes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElTUqFNhWFwImagine trying to shape a red-hot 75-pound glob of honey for 90 minutes, and you'll better appreciate watching as Davide Salvadore creates a vessel in his signature Muranese style. (more…)
This is the Rogue One trailer you're looking for
"Jyn Erso leads a group of unlikely heroes to steal the plans to the Death Star, the Empire’s ultimate weapon of destruction." Rogue One: A Star Wars Story hits theaters December 16.
Talking about Allan Sherman on the Comedy on Vinyl podcast
Jason Klamm stopped my office to interview me for his Comedy on Vinyl podcast, where I talked about the first comedy album I ever loved: Allan Sherman's My Son, the Nut. (more…)
Jazz saxophonist Bhumibol Adulyadej dies at 88
Legendary jazz saxophonist Bhumibol Adulyadej is dead at 88 following a series of illnesses.Strongly influenced by Louis Armstrong, Sidney Bechet and Benny Carter, Bhumibol specialized in dixieland and New Orleans jazz, and played the clarinet and trumpet as well as the sax. He famously performed with Benny Goodman, Stan Getz, Lionel Hampton, and Benny Carter, but was most renowned for his own compositions, which range from classical Waltzes to traditional Thai music. "But mostly jazz swing," adds Wikipedia.Adulyadej was also King of Thailand for 70 years and the world's longest-reigning monarch.A stabilizing force in the nation's politics, he passes his crown to son Maha Vajiralongkorn, "regarded as erratic and virtually incapable of ruling" and who frequently avails himself of the nation's laws against insulting royalty.
Watch The Beatles' LEGO Submarine
"The Beatles’ LEGO Yellow Submarine vs. the Sea Monster," a promo video for The Beatles Yellow Submarine set due out next month. And yes, there's a Blue Meanie included. The concept for the set came from the LEGO Ideas crowdsourcing program, a submission from a fellow named Kevin Szeto:"As an amateur musician and songwriter, I have always been drawn to the music of The Beatles," Szeto wrote. "The creation of the Yellow Submarine model was really my way of showing my affection for The Beatles, as well as trying to pay a small tribute to The Beatles phenomenon. The Yellow Submarine is bright, fun, and colourful, which also made it a good subject to translate into LEGO form."
Hungary's Prime Minister shuts down opposition press, then goes after everyone else
Noemi writes, "After closing down Hungary's largest opposition paper (online archive included) Hungarian Prime Miniter Viktor Orban is steadily and methodically turning back the clock on 27 years of history, steadily edging back towards a dictatorship -- except this time with a fascist face. He is testing how far the beleaguered EU will allow him to stretch the boundaries of democracy. This is where the attention of European democratic efforts need to be directed. Not in kindergarten tantrums about sandwich spreads." (more…)
Mesmerizing animations of Japanese joinery
Japanese joinery is a kind of practical discipline of puzzle-boxes, in which precise, clever wooden interlocks are used to made secure joints without glue or nails. (more…)
Using the science of group conflict to understand Trump's campaign
In Five Beliefs That Propel Groups Toward Conflict, published in American Psychologist, a pair of researchers lay out the five beliefs that, when transmitted by leaders to their followers, creates a "group conflict" that propels the group forward. (more…)
Computer-mining poetry from the New York Times's obituary headlines
The standard format for a New York Times lead obit headline goes NAME, AGE, Dies; STATEMENT OF ACCOMPLISHMENT (e.g. "Suzanne Mitchell, 73, Dies; Made Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders a Global Brand. (more…)
Rush Limbaugh complains about nonconsensual sex being called rape
Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh had thoughts yesterday on the problems faced by Donald Trump, whose campaign for president is falling apart after a recording emerged of him boasting about sexually assaulting women.
Bob Dylan is the first songwriter to win the Nobel Prize for literature
The fantastically brief press release from the Nobel Prize hivemind says, simply, "for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition". (more…)
Poland's insane abortion law is back
Last month, Poland's ultra-right government collaborated with the Catholic Church to progress an extreme abortion law that would have sent doctors who performed operations to save fetuses (or their mothers) to prison. (more…)
Lawsuit would force Parliament to vote on Brexit
Gina Miller, an "investment manager," has brought a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the Brexit referendum, arguing that UK law requires a Parliamentary vote on the matter before the government can act on it. (more…)
Trump threatens to sue New York Times over new groping allegations
Following new allegations of sexual assault aimed at Donald Trump by women, the millionaire presidential candidate is threatening the New York Times for publishing them.In a "demand for retraction," Trump lawyer Marc E. Kasowitz writes that the article is "reckless, defamatory and constitutes libel per se" and "nothing more than a politically-motivated effort."The Guardian tallies the new allegations.
Soylent bars recalled amid gastrointestinal mayhem
Soylent, makers of ironic yet humorless meal-replacement slime and snack bars, are asking its consumption nodes to "discard any remaining bars in their possession" after a number of them reported "gastrointestinal issues" after eating Soylent Bars.
Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf resigns
First he was flayed by Senator Elizabeth Warren, then Congress had a go, then everyone got to gnaw on the fact that he'd done some seriously criminal stuff, then it emerged that he'd been a party to the bank's frauds since at least 2008, then we learned that his $200B bonus would be subsidized by taxpayers, then we learned that he walked through one of the bank's notorious boiler rooms every day, then his board of directors clawed back a couple million. (more…)
"High agitated" Trump shouts at NYT reporter asking him about sex assault claims: “You are a disgusting human being”
The New York Times reports that two women have come forward to accuse Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump of inappropriately touching them. When asked about the claims, he became angry and insulting.
The Temple of Silence: Forgotten Worlds of Herbert Crowley
Beehive Books is kickstarting a super-deluxe book of the work of Herbert Crowley, who was kind of an early 20th Century Jim Woodring.
Rudy Giuliani tells Hillary to "Take it and f.... stuff it up your... I didn't say it!"
https://twitter.com/politico/status/786249821988368384It's going to get much nastier than this, too. 26 days left.
Republican senators supporting Trump again after denouncing him
Sens. Deb Fisher of Nebraska and John Thune of South Dakota both condemned Donald Trump's boasts of groping women and urged him to quit the race. Surprise! They've changed their minds.
"Russia's Trump" says America must elect Donald Trump or prepare for nuclear war
An ultra-right Russian politician aligned with Vladimir Putin says American voters should elect Donald Trump for president, or prepare for nuclear war. Vladimir Zhirinovsky likes to compare himself to Trump, and is a similarly unrestrained blowhard."Americans voting for a president on Nov. 8 must realize that they are voting for peace on Planet Earth if they vote for Trump,” he said. “But if they vote for Hillary it's war. It will be a short movie. There will be Hiroshimas and Nagasakis everywhere."(more…)
Attachments that give you an excuse to use mason jars
Jarware makes cute specialized lids to convert mason jars into things like cocktail shakers, tea infusers, honey dippers, juicers, and piggy banks.[via]
Sassy Pussy Trump
All Donald Trump's own words, newly voiced by Peter Serafinowicz. Somehow this makes it even creepier.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bz0E4I_yVhEMore Sassy Trump in our archives.[video]
Pigeons sink into grain
These birds seem calm about sinking into grain. Some of them even fly into the pit as if they want to be buried in grain.[via]
English man spends 11 hours trying to make cup of tea with Wi-Fi kettle
The iKettle is advertised as “the world’s first Wi-Fi kettle.” Mark Rittman got one and said it took 11-hours to make a cup of tea.From The Guardian:
Study shows MD diagnosis more accurate than Google, for now
Seems Google doesn't diagnose quite folks as well as human doctors do... yet. Clearly, the doctors in this article are clinging to the hope that they'll still be relevant in a few years.Via Huff Po:
Samantha Bee makes fun of Paul Ryan's Pussyghazi response
https://youtu.be/ltU3ms9rt5wSamantha Bee should be championed and revered for explaining why Paul Ryan is an awful person.
This award-winning bundle of apps will turn your Mac into a productivity powerhouse
The Award-Winning Mac Bundle features 13 premium Mac apps that are designed to help you get your work done faster and smarter. This suite of apps (valued at $672) was curated to make your Mac work better - whether it's new or old, and streamline your daily tasks and actions. Best of all, you can name your own price to take it home. Here are a few of the apps we're excited about:Drive Genius 4- This popular, award-winning software works to speed up and protect your Mac by helping you remove unnecessary files and recognizing any larger hardware problems.The Hit List- This ultimate list-making app allows you to create lists to manage your tasks and obligations, conveniently syncing across all your devices.DeltaWalker 2 Pro- Ever had to annoyingly toggle between multiple files? DeltaWalker allows you to compare, edit, and merge files side-by-side, all in a simple, single interface.With 13 apps total, this bundle has a lot to offer, even if you don't need every single app. Virtually all of these apps cost more on their own than in the bundle itself.So here's what you need to do: pay anything you want to take home 3 awesome apps. Or beat the average price, currently at $13.03, to make the entire bundle is yours. The average price will go up as word spreads, so get your bundle today.Explore more trending deals:
Weekly tabloid roundup
Michelle Obama is exposing Hillary Clinton’s secret sex life and financial dealings, Bill Clinton plans to live in Arkansas “to study young interns,” Prince Charles’ wife Camilla has branded William and Kate “lousy parents,” Playboy magnate Hugh Hefner is a dying recluse, Goldie Hawn “needs rehab to survive,” and Angelina Jolie “lusts for lesbian love - and drugs!”What do these lurid stories in this week’s tabloids have in common? They cling to the barest gossamer thread of reality - a thread that grows more frayed with each week’s reports.“Backstabbing Obama destroy Hillary,” screams the Trump-loving ‘Globe’ cover story, ignoring the small detail that the Clintons’ finances have been dissected in numerous public investigations and public tax filings, and allegations of her sexual proclivities have been long ago and repeatedly aired in depth. There’s little dirt that the Obamas could offer the Republicans - as if they’d want to - that hasn’t already been revealed.If Hillary wins the White House, husband Bill plans to live in a “Little Rock love shack” - actually, his Presidential Library - where he has transformed his apartment into “a Hugh Hefner-style playboy penthouse” where he aims to seduce women, claims former Republican political strategist Dick Morris in the ‘National Enquirer.’ Bill reportedly plans “to build a swimming pool on the roof of his library . . . to have naked pool parties the way JFK did at the White House.” Seems like fair and balanced reporting to me, despite the complete absence of supporting facts.Why are Prince William and wife Kate such bad parents, according to Camilla? Because Kate squatted down to talk to son George at his own level, rather than talking down to him to make him appreciate his inferior position. “Camilla knew that’s a royal no-no,” reports the ‘Globe,’ which apparently believes that Camilla adheres to Victorian parenting practices, and has no problem in endorsing them.“Hugh Hefner’s sad last days” trouble the ‘Globe,’ which claims the 90-year-old publisher is a frail 90 pounds and a “tragic recluse.” Which simply means that he hasn’t been photographed in public lately. Let’s remember that the tabloids gave Nick Nolte four weeks to live - several months ago.Perhaps this is a good time for a trip down memory lane, to the ‘Globe’ issue of May 2012 whose cover screamed: “Who’ll Die Next?” and revealed the “stars’ secret health shockers.” Pictured on the cover, the stars whose days were numbered: Liza Minnelli, O.J. Simpson, Heather Locklear, Demi Moore, Mary Tyler Moore, and, yep - Nick Nolte. Four years later, all are still alive. In the interests of complete fairness, let me acknowledge that this 2012 ‘Globe’ cover also included a photo of country singer George Jones, who did indeed die the following year . . . at the age of 81. Hardly a shocking or premature demise.Why does Goldie Hawn “need rehab”? The 70-year-old actress was partying in England and on two separate evenings left a club “looking like a hungover train wreck.” Except she didn’t. The photos simply show that she was smiling and having fun. Maybe she was tipsy. Maybe she was drunk. Heck, she could have been sloshed. But two nights out partying with friends does not make one an alcoholic - unless the ‘Globe’ sets its crack team of medical reporters on you, enlisting a doctor “who hasn’t treated the star” to diagnose her condition based on paparazzi photographs - which is the way I always prefer my own medical experts to prescribe treatment.The ‘Enquirer’ cover’s grammatically challenged headline yells that Angelina Jolie is “back on drugs! & back with gay ex!” But even the ‘Enquirer’ struggles to piece together this fantasy, admitting that supposed lesbian love Jenny Shimizu is “now married.” In fact, the ‘Enquirer’ can’t find even a hint of evidence of a continuing romance between Jolie and Shimizu since at least 2006. Nor do they have any evidence that she is taking drugs. And if you trouble to read to the story’s penultimate paragraph, we learn that Jolie is not back on drugs nor back with her “gay ex,” but those are merely the fears of unnamed friends. As the ‘Enquirer’ concludes, following Jolie’s recent split from husband Brad Pitt, “friends hope it doesn’t push her back to her wild-child ways - and Jenny!” In other words, the entire story and all its allegations are just wild fabrications, just another fantasy in the myriad of cruel distortions that are evidently the price of modern celebrity.With equal decency and compassion, the ‘National Examiner’ brings us a “world exclusive special report” on “Hollywood’s Fattest Stars!” When the tabloids aren’t warning us that stars are “too thin” and risk death by dieting, they are fat-shaming others and actively promoting body dysmorphia. “New shocking photos” show every extra ounce on celebrities who I won’t bother to name. Shameful. And we have the ‘Enquirer’ this week telling us that singer George Michael’s weight has “exploded,” Tim Robbins has “gone to pot - potbelly, that is,” and that “stick-thin” Kendall Jenner is “too fat for the catwalk,” while the ‘Globe’ informs us that former ‘Cheers’ actor George Wendt “needs beer belly surgery."Fortunately we have ‘Us’ magazine's crack investigative team to tell us that Rachel McAdams wore it best, comedian Kevin Hart loves taco Tuesday nights, Laverne Cox carries Maybeline highlighter, Warm Vanilla Sugar fragrance, and cilantro jalapeño hummus in her Zac Posen tote - and bless her, is the first celebrity honest enough to admit carrying condoms in her purse - and that the stars are just like us: they eat pastries, run errands, and play golf.I’m at a loss to understand the motivation behind the cover stories in ‘Us’ and ‘People’ magazines this week, however. ‘Us’ features the “Teen Mom Wedding” of Maci Bookout and Taylor McKinney, while ‘People’ features the marital and commercial bliss of Chip and Joanna Gaines, stars of TV’s ‘Fixer Upper.’ Are these people really celebrities whose lives we are supposed to aspire to? Celebrity used to mean the glamour of Marlene Dietrich, the hauteur of Bette Davis, the sensuality of Marilyn Monroe and the grand passion of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. Today it’s a “teen mom” (who is 25 years old, which last time I checked makes her an ex-teen mom) and a couple of home-improvement house-flippers? I can’t wait for them all to get their stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.Onwards and downwards . . .
The Caretaker's beautiful music about dementia
When I first heard the lovely music Leyland James Kirby creates as The Caretaker, it instantly reminded me of The Shining's ballroom ghost scenes. Turns out, that's where Kirby found his original inspiration. His compositions draw from his huge collection of vintage 78s with added static, glitches, loops, and ambience for a deeply ghosty and, well, haunted vibe. All of his releases embody the mysteries of memory in sound. After a four year break, The Caretaker has released the first in a series of six new albums that will be released over three years, "slowly cataloguing the stages of early onset dementia." Listen to "Everywhere at the end of time" below:Everywhere at the end of time by The Caretaker
Check out this bloody, dismembered leg... cake.
Sweet-toothed cannibals rejoice! Yolanda Gampp's Halloween bloody buttercream and vanilla leg cake looks absolutely delicious.
Republican congressman briefly unsure whether admitting rape would disqualify Trump
Blake Fahrenhold serves Texas's 27th Congressional District. Last night, he was asked in an interview if he would continue to support a candidate who boasted about enjoying rape. Fahrenhold said that he would have to consider it. (more…)
How to make a coin vanish (without seeming like a weirdo)
Andy at the Jerx elaborates on a great way to set up a magic trick: "the peek backstage." (more…)
Bernie Sanders' touching video endorsing his brother's candidacy for David Cameron's old Parliamentary seat
Bernie Sanders' brother Larry is a longtime UK politician in the Green Party (I was a UK Green Party member until I emigrated to the USA last year); he's now running in a by-election triggered by David Cameron taking a shit on the UK and they running away from it as fast as he could. (more…)
Information security needs its own National Institutes of Health
Superstar security researcher Dan Kaminsky (previously) wants to create a "National Institutes of Health for computer security" -- a publicly funded research institution that figures out how to prevent and cope with large-scale security issues in networked devices. (more…)
Despite Brexit, the UK is going to end up sending billions to the EU
If the UK wants access to the EU markets, it's going to have to pay billions of pounds, something that the Brexit Leave campaign conveniently neglected to mention (they also conveniently neglected to mention that even if this wasn't true, the money the UK used to pay to the EU wasn't going to be spent on the NHS). (more…)