The latest coronavirus news from Canada and around the world Saturday. This file will be updated throughout the day. Web links to longer stories if available.
The latest coronavirus news from Canada and around the world Saturday. This file will be updated throughout the day. Web links to longer stories if available.
It felt like there was light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel. The Delta variant had been suppressed due to the vaccine rollout. And another dark winter was not expected.
With all signs pointing to Ontario remaining in modified Step Two restrictions well past the initial Jan. 26 timeline, new COVID-19 cases continue to emerge in big-name grocery stores across the province.
The Dream Centre in Waterdown is staying open despite public health orders, which have closed indoor sports and recreation facilities until at least Jan. 26 in an effort to limit the spread of COVID-19.
The end came for Maggie Fraser at the beginning. She died of COVID-19 in a downtown Toronto long-term care facility on April 16, 2020. According to her daughter Kim Fraser, the “90-and-a-half”-year-old community volunteer possessed a terrific sense of humour, a love for her grandchildren and great-grandchild, and a fondness for leopard-print sweaters.
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OTTAWA—New federal modelling suggests an estimated peak of 170,000 new COVID-19 cases a day, even with the range of public health restrictions in place across the country.
The latest coronavirus news from Canada and around the world Friday. This file will be updated throughout the day. Web links to longer stories if available.
After 34 years the annual Dundas Lioness Club fish fry fundraiser has ended, but the club is still active and working on a new “socially-distanced” fundraising event.
WASHINGTON—From reactions I’ve heard, when the U.S. State Department elevated its travel recommendation for Canada this week to “Level Four: Do Not Travel,” some Canadians took it as an insult.
If you squint, or you live in hope, things might be getting better even as they get worse. The near-vertical Omicron wave has produced record COVID hospitalizations, rocketing ICU occupancy, more people on ventilators, and deaths that match the peak of the third, only partially vaccinated wave. Like every wave, this isn’t the flu.
If you squint, or you live in hope, things might be getting better even as they get worse. The near-vertical Omicron wave has produced record COVID hospitalizations, rocketing ICU occupancy, more people on ventilators, and deaths that match the peak of the third, only partially vaccinated wave. Like every wave, this isn’t the flu.
OTTAWA — The federal government said late Thursday there’s no change being made to an incoming policy forcing unvaccinated Canadian cross-border truckers into quarantine once they arrive in the country.
The idea of imposing a fine or tax on people who refuse to get vaccinated (as Quebec Premier François Legault plans to do) sounds at first hearing like a step too far in the fight against COVID-19.