With Ontario moving to get children back in the classroom, educators are being urged to keep mental health top of mind as the ongoing disturbances of the pandemic continue to pose unprecedented psychological challenges for young people.
Facing continued resistance to stay-at-home orders, Ontario is turning to comedy in a new social media campaign aimed at getting the message across — including a plea for young adults not to “hook up” because of COVID-19.
The tourism webpage listing Toronto's festivals is like that scene in the movie about the apocalypse where survivors walk cautiously into a home to find an uneaten meal at the kitchen table.
There's no better time of year than winter to catch a glimpse of your own breath suspended and swirling in the cold air. In someone infected with COVID-19, do the tiny droplets exhaled in that vapour contain enough viral particles to infect another person before they gradually settle to the ground, potentially tens of metres away?The Government of Canada recently acknowledged the risk that COVID-19 can spread through tiny, aerosolized respiratory droplets that hang in the air.
Peter Bethlenfalvy, Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board, Vic Fedeli, Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, and Prabmeet Sarkaria, Associate Minister of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction, will provide an up