It’s easy to pine for how things used to be. Those things may have been dangerous, mean, unfair, frustrating or terrifying, sure. But they were normal.
The Black Death (1347-51) devastated European society. Writing four decades after the event, the English monk and chronicler, Thomas Walsingham, remarked that “so much wretchedness followed these ills that afterwards the world could never return to its former state.”
Canada has the highest proportion of deaths from COVID-19 in long-term-care settings among 14 countries, according to a study by the International Long-Term Care Policy Network.
In Mississauga, which has long been ground zero for Islamophobia in Canada, people have gone apoplectic with the news that the city has temporarily — for the duration of Ramadan — lifted a noise bylaw to allow mosques to broadcast their sunset prayers on loudspeakers.
Ontario business owners say they’re pleased with Premier Doug Ford’s announcement Wednesday that non-essential retail stores can begin curbside pickup on May 11.
It doesn’t get much better for the premier: Doug Ford’s new leadership style has won widespread approval in the latest public opinion poll — good news for him in bad times.
Just the FactsSeveral Bell Canada trucks were lined up along the south side of Concession Street and some of the parking area was blocked off May 6.It’s part of the Bell’s partnership with the City of Hamilton to bring Bell’s all-fibre network
Hamilton’s public school board is working with local charities to help families who relied on school nutrition programs to keep their children fed while learning from home during the novel coronavirus pandemic.
SEOUL, KOREA, REPUBLIC OF—The coronavirus pandemic has likely taken a heavy toll on North Korea, forcing leader Kim Jong Un to avoid public activities and his people into panic buying for daily necessities, South Korea’s spy agency told lawmakers Wednesday.