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Updated 2024-10-10 15:45
Imagine your child calling for money. Except it’s not them – it’s an AI scam | James Wise
Fraudsters are being given more sophisticated ways to trick us into believing they are someone they are notThis year, I was sent a link to a video of myself, passionately explaining why I had invested into a new technology company. In the video I spoke enthusiastically about the great faith I had in the company's leadership and encouraged others to try the service out. The problem was, I had never met the company nor used its product.It looked and sounded like me, right down to the fading Mancunian accent. But it wasn't. It was an AI-generated fake used in a business pitch and designed to wow me into investing in a company. Far from impressing me, it left me concerned about the myriad ways these new tools could be used for fraudulent purposes.James Wise is a partner at the venture capital firm Balderton, and a trustee of the thinktank Demos Continue reading...
Court dismisses chess grandmaster Hans Niemann’s lawsuit against Magnus Carlsen
Extreme heatwaves spread as US told to expect hot and smoky summer
Smoke from unchecked Canada wildfires hits air quality in north-east as further south 80m American under excessive heat alertsExtreme heatwaves are continuing to spread across the country as meteorologists warn Americans to prepare for a hot and smoky summer. With the 235 out-of-control Canadian wildfires showing no signs of dying down, smoke has drifted south into the US and shrouded multiple cities including Chicago and Detroit in a thick haze.There are no signs of the relief coming for the next week or longer, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Weather Prediction Center.42% have experienced short-term injury or illness23% report complications to an existing chronic condition15% have suffered a long-term injury or a new chronic condition Continue reading...
Trump says Putin is ‘somewhat weakened’ by aborted mutiny
In an interview with Reuters, the ex-president weighed in on the Ukraine-Russia war and China's spy operation in CubaDonald Trump, a longtime admirer of Vladimir Putin, said on Thursday that the Russian president has been somewhat weakened" by an aborted mutiny and that the US should use this moment to negotiate a peace settlement between Russia and Ukraine.I want people to stop dying over this ridiculous war," Trump told Reuters in a telephone interview. Continue reading...
Judge rejects Trump’s bid to dismiss E Jean Carroll’s first defamation suit
Ex-president's claims of absolute immunity and that statements were opinion were rejected; lawsuit scheduled for early next yearA federal judge on Thursday rejected Donald Trump's bid to dismiss the first of E Jean Carroll's two lawsuits accusing the former US president of defamation for denying he raped her in the mid-1990s.US district judge Lewis Kaplan in Manhattan found no merit in Trump's arguments that he deserved absolute presidential immunity and that many of his statements about Carroll were opinion and thus protected. Continue reading...
Christine King Farris, Martin Luther King’s last living sibling, dies aged 95
Farris spent decades working with Coretta Scott King - often behind the scenes - to promote her brother's legacyChristine King Farris, the last living sibling of Martin Luther King Jr, has died.Her niece, the Reverand Bernice King, tweeted that her beloved aunt" had died on Thursday. She was 95. Continue reading...
California’s first-in-nation reparations taskforce releases final report
The 1,100-page document details examples of discrimination and recommends how to address the harms of chattel slaveryCalifornia's first-in-the-nation reparations taskforce released its final report with recommendations for how the state should atone for its history of racial violence and discrimination against Black residents on Thursday.This document, which could serve as a national model for how governments can attempt to right the wrongs of the past, marks the end of a nearly three-year effort that began in the wake of George Floyd's murder and the ensuing reckoning around systemic racism and anti-Blackness in the US. Continue reading...
‘This is not a normal court’: Joe Biden condemns affirmative action ruling
President says he will ask education department to look into ways to maintain student diversity as race-conscious admissions endsJoe Biden slammed the US supreme court on Thursday as not a normal court" after it ruled to end race-conscious admissions at universities across the country, and he announced he will ask the Department of Education to look into ways to maintain student diversity in higher education.The court has effectively ended affirmative action in college admissions and I strongly, strongly disagree with the court's decision," the US president said in a short speech at the White House scheduled specifically for him to react to the decision. Continue reading...
‘A tragedy for us all’: Ketanji Jackson’s impassioned affirmative action dissent | Ketanji Brown Jackson
The US supreme court ruled against considering race in university admissions. Here is Ketanji Brown Jackson's dissenting opinionGulf-sized race-based gaps exist with respect to the health, wealth, and well-being of American citizens. They were created in the distant past, but have indisputably been passed down to the present day through the generations. Every moment these gaps persist is a moment in which this great country falls short of actualizing one of its foundational principles - the self-evident" truth that all of us are created equal. Yet, today, the Court determines that holistic admissions programs like the one that the University of North Carolina (UNC) has operated, consistent with Grutter v Bollinger (2003), are a problem with respect to achievement of that aspiration, rather than a viable solution (as has long been evident to historians, sociologists, and policymakers alike).JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR has persuasively established that nothing in the Constitution or Title VI prohibits institutions from taking race into account to ensure the racial diversity of admits in higher education. I join her opinion without qualification. I write separately to expound upon the universal benefits of considering race in this context, in response to a suggestion that has permeated this legal action from the start. Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) has maintained, both subtly and overtly, that it is unfair for a college's admissions process to consider race as one factor in a holistic review of its applicants.This is Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson's dissenting opinion from Thursday's supreme court ruling against affirmative action. It has been lightly edited to remove some footnotes and legal citations Continue reading...
Sheriff’s deputy acquitted for failure to act during Parkland shooting
Scot Peterson found not guilty of felony child neglect during the 2018 shooting at a high school in which 17 were killedA Florida sheriff's deputy was acquitted on Thursday of felony child neglect and other charges for failing to act during the 2018 Parkland school massacre, concluding the first trial in US history of a law enforcement officer for conduct during an on-campus shooting.The former Broward county deputy Scot Peterson wept as the verdicts were read. The jury had deliberated for 19 hours over four days. Continue reading...
Los Angeles unhoused population reaches 75,000 amid humanitarian crisis
Annual government count shows 9% increase, sharper than last year's 4%, in country's most populous countyThe unhoused population of Los Angeles has grown by 9%, with more than 75,000 people now experiencing homelessness across the county, according to data from the government's annual count, released on Thursday.The Los Angeles homeless services authority (Lahsa) report suggests that there was a sharper increase in homelessness this year compared with last year, when the agency estimated a 4% rise in the population. The agency count includes people living on the street and people in shelters. Continue reading...
'Not a normal court': Joe Biden condemns supreme court ruling on affirmative action – video
The US president has condemned the supreme court's conservative justices for their decision on Thursday against race-based admissions.The justices concluded that admissions policies at Harvard University and the University of North Carolina violated the US constitution's equal protection clause.A reporter asked Biden if he agreed with the Congressional Black Caucus that the ruling threw into question the legitimacy of the court. The US president replied: 'This is not a normal court'
NFL suspends three players indefinitely for violating gambling policy
Three charged with insider trading over Trump social media company merger
Michael Shvartsman, Gerald Shvartsman and Bruce Garelick allegedly made $22m based on tips about Trump's media groupUS prosecutors on Thursday charged three men with insider trading ahead of the proposed merger of former president Donald Trump's social media company and a shell company in late 2021.Michael Shvartsman, Gerald Shvartsman and Bruce Garelick allegedly made more than $22m trading in Digital World Acquisition Corp (DWAC), a so-called special purpose acquisition company, or Spac, based on tips about its planned combination with Trump Media & Technology Group. Continue reading...
Caroline Wozniacki comes out of retirement and will play at US Open
Mike Pence meets with Volodymyr Zelenskiy during Ukraine visit – report
Former vice-president is first Republican presidential candidate to meet with Ukrainian president during campaignFormer vice-president Mike Pence visited Ukraine this week and met with the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, according to a report by NBC News.He's now the first GOP presidential candidate to meet with Zelenskiy during the campaign. Continue reading...
Biden has reminded us yet again that he’s a weak and lukewarm ally of abortion rights | Moira Donegan
At a recent fundraiser he said he's not big on' abortion. It's not pro-choice activists who are out of step with the mainstream; it's Joe BidenA closed-door fundraiser for the very wealthy is a place where a lot of politicians really shine. Among their fellow elites, surrounded by people like them who like them - and are giving them money - Democrats and Republicans alike often become their truest selves. They drop the flesh-pressing affectations, the focused-group soundbites, the stiff smiles. They become something they're usually not: honest.Honest is what Biden was at a similar fundraiser in tony Chevy Chase, Maryland, this past Tuesday, when he told a crowd of his wealthy supporters that he was personally ambivalent about abortion rights. I'm a practicing Catholic. I'm not big on abortion," the president said. Nevertheless, he claimed that the compromise Roe v Wade decision on abortion got it right".Moira Donegan is a Guardian US columnist Continue reading...
US travelers face cancelled and delayed flights ahead of Fourth of July holiday
About 1,200 flights cancelled on Wednesday and nearly 7,000 delayed due to poor weather and staff shortagesThousands of airline passengers have faced cancelled or delayed flights amid surges in summer travel, as many worry about possible travel woes ahead of the Fourth of July holiday.About 1,200 flights were cancelled on Wednesday and nearly 7,000 delayed, according to data from FlightAware, according to Newsweek. Continue reading...
The supreme court’s blow to US affirmative action is no coincidence | Eddie R Cole
The court's ruling reflects a decades-long drive to return higher education to the control of a white privileged classOn Thursday, in a 6-3 decision, the US supreme court ruled against affirmative action in American colleges and universities. The obvious concern now is whether the ruling will significantly reduce the number of Black, Latinx, and Indigenous students enrolled at elite institutions. But a more dire reality undergirds the court's decision: it reflects a decades-long drive to return higher education to white, elite control.That movement predates affirmative action by at least a century, because no entity impacts American life more than higher education. During the Reconstruction era following emancipation, Black people were allowed to advance in political and various other roles, but white powerbrokers drew a hard line at higher education. On 28 September 1870 the chancellor of the University of Mississippi, John Newton Waddel, declared: The university will continue to be, what it always has been, an institution exclusively for the education of the white race."Eddie R Cole is an associate professor of education and history at the University of California, Los Angeles, and the author of The Campus Color Line: College Presidents and the Struggle for Black Freedom Continue reading...
DeSantis says as US president he would eliminate IRS and other agencies
Florida governor vows to push back against woke ideology ... we see creeping into all institutions of American life'Ron DeSantis pledged on Wednesday that he would eliminate four federal agencies if he were elected president: the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Department of Commerce, Department of Energy, and Department of Education.If Congress will work with me on doing that, we'll be able to reduce the size and scope of government," the Florida governor said in an interview with Fox News' Martha MacCallum. If Congress won't go that far, I'm going to use those agencies to push back against woke ideology and against the leftism that we see creeping into all institutions of American life." Continue reading...
Amtrak train with nearly 200 passengers hits water truck and derails
Three of the train's seven cars went off the tracks following the collision in California, which critically injured the truck's driverAn Amtrak train carrying nearly 200 passengers struck a county water truck and derailed on Wednesday in Southern California, critically injuring the truck's driver, authorities said.Three of the train's seven cars went off the tracks following the collision in Moorpark, said Ventura County Fire Department captain Brian McGrath. The derailed train cars remained upright on tracks adjacent to an orchard and bare sections of land. Continue reading...
First Thing: Ukraine advances as Putin greets crowds in rare walkabout
Ukrainian forces seize strategic initiative' while Russian president poses for selfies in Dagestan. Plus, are pink-haired liberals' killing New York pizza? Don't already get First Thing in your inbox? Sign up hereGood morning.Vladimir Putin greeted supporters in a rare up-close public appearance yesterday after arriving in the remote southern region of Dagestan on the Caspian Sea.What else is happening? A Russian general who previously led the invasion force in Ukraine has not been seen in public since Saturday, with US intelligence reportedly claiming he had prior knowledge of the uprising led by the Wagner chief, Yevgeny Prigozhin.What has the German chancellor said? Last weekend's mutiny has weakened Putin's authority, as it shows that the autocratic power structures have cracks in them and he is not as firmly in the saddle as he always asserts", Olaf Scholz said during a wide-ranging, hour-long interview with the German broadcaster ARD.What's going to happen now? Retrieving the debris from the submersible is a key part of the investigation to establish what went wrong. The wreckage of the Titan will assist in an investigation into the tragedy and answer questions about the craft's experimental design, safety standards and lack of certification. Industry experts have long had doubts about the design of the craft and raised questions about the safety record of OceanGate, the US company that operated the submersible. Continue reading...
The failed Wagner coup shows Vladimir Putin’s regime remains stubbornly strong | Anatol Lieven
The Russian leader's show of mercy towards Yevgeny Prigozhin was not a sign of weakness but a shrewd moveMuch of the western analysis of the events in Russia last weekend has concluded that Vladimir Putin displayed his weakness by allowing Yevgeny Prigozhin and other Wagner group commanders to depart peacefully for Belarus, and the rank-and-file to join the Russian army or retire to their homes. Of course, if Putin had in fact crushed the revolt by force and executed its leaders, commentators would have used this as more evidence of his brutality and ruthlessness, and perhaps also of the innate savagery and violence of the Russian national tradition.These conclusions are coloured by an understandable dislike of the Russian leader, and they do not constitute sober and objective analysis. In fact, though Putin was obviously responsible for creating the background to this mess, we should consider the possibility that at the weekend he handled things well. In his address to the nation on Saturday morning, he displayed determination and resolve. Putin made clear that he had no intention of surrendering to Prigozhin's demands, and that if he and the other Wagner leaders continued their revolt, they would be charged with treason (and, by implication, probably executed).Anatol Lieven is director of the Eurasia programme at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft and author of books including Ukraine and Russia: A Fraternal Rivalry Continue reading...
White House issues warning to US firms interested in acquiring Israeli surveillance tech
National Security Council's statement comes after the Guardian reported Hollywood financier's interest in NSO group's assetsThe Biden administration has warned that any attempted takeover by an American company of Israel's NSO Group, the maker of one of the world's most sophisticated cyber-weapons, could prompt a review of whether the acquisition posed a counterintelligence threat to the US government.The statement by the National Security Council comes after the Guardian reported that Robert Simonds, a Hollywood financier best known for producing several Adam Sandler films, is exploring a possible bid to take control of NSO's assets, including Pegasus, the company's spyware. Continue reading...
Georgia elections official downplays cybersecurity threats despite report
Brad Raffensperger disregards report identifying vulnerabilities and claims findings are no more than conspiracy theoriesGeorgia's top election official is disregarding a recently released report that identifies serious vulnerabilities in Georgia's computerized election system, instead siding with a conflicting report and claiming that scientific findings about cybersecurity threats are no more than conspiracy theories.The Georgia secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, charged with overseeing elections, announced that despite the report's findings, he will not update software to protect against the vulnerabilities before the 2024 presidential elections. Continue reading...
I am cursed to wear compression socks. Spare a thought for me this summer
My only consolation is that it feels so damn good to take them off at the end of the dayI don't mean to boast, but I've got lovely legs. They are easily my best feature. But - there's a but - while my right leg is simply perfect, and my left leg is good down to the knee, what comes below that is a proper old mess.It was more than 30 years ago, playing in goal in a cup tie at Amersham Town, that I broke my left leg. Impressive," said the radiologist of the X-rays. I spent seven months in plaster and it was a year before I could walk without a stick. Even then, I wasn't out of the woods.Adrian Chiles is a Guardian columnist Continue reading...
Philadelphia museum faces backlash for hosting group with ‘oppressive views’
Museum of Revolution denounced over event with Moms for Liberty, which has been labeled as an extremist, hate groupHistorians, civil rights organizations and lawmakers are denouncing the Museum of the American Revolution for hosting an upcoming event with Moms for Liberty, a controversial campaign organization that has been called an extremist group by critics.Moms for Liberty (M4L), which the anti-hate watchdog Southern Poverty Law Center labeled as an extremist, anti-government group, will hold a summit in Philadelphia this weekend featuring several Republican presidential candidates, including Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley. In a decision that has generated widespread backlash, the Museum of the American Revolution has agreed to host a welcome event for the organization on Thursday. Continue reading...
Master Lock’s Milwaukee plant to close after 100 years and send jobs abroad
Only holdout' in area that used to house over 50 manufacturing firms to halt operations in March 2024 with over 400 jobs lostFor over 100 years, the Master Lock plant in Milwaukee manufactured locks and security products. Now, what was for years the last remaining large manufacturing holdout on the north side of Milwaukee's industrial sector, is being shut down after the company informed employees a phased shutdown will begin on 31 October 2023, with final operations halting by March 2024.The plant employed more than 1,100 employees in the 1990s but the number of employees in the plant fell to about 270 in 2003 as Master Lock began offshoring jobs to Mexico and China. Continue reading...
Minnesota Muslims vow to continue call to prayer despite rise in mosque attacks
Twin Cities community has long battled Islamophobia, and some say attacks are a backlash to new rule allowing broadcast any timeMuslims in Minnesota have vowed not to stop answering the call to prayer, despite a series of attacks on mosques some believe to be a backlash to a new rule that permits the Adhan to be broadcast at any time of the day or night.In April, Minneapolis made history when it became the first major city in the US to allow mosques to broadcast the call to prayer using loudspeakers at any time. Before the change to a city noise ordinance, it had only been permitted to be put out between 7am to 10pm. Continue reading...
Pitch perfect: MLB’s pace-of-play rules are showing that less is more
Some thought Major League Baseball games with pitch clocks might feel forced, rushed, even gimmicky. But the new rules have proven to be a rousing successThe time - emphasis on time - has come to declare that Major League Baseball has nailed its effort to speed up games. MLB people always talked about wanting to finish games in less than three hours, but they never could make it happen. Now they have.The average time of a game in the first two-plus months of the season is 2hr 40min - a span not seen since the early 1980s - much shorter than the bloated averages of 3hr 6min in 2022 and 3hr 11min in 2021. But stats are only part of the story. Continue reading...
Yankees pitcher Domingo Germán hurls 24th perfect game in MLB history
NHL draft: Blackhawks tab ‘generational prospect’ Connor Bedard with No 1 pick
Jesús Ferreira scores hat-trick as USA put six past St Kitts in Gold Cup
Inter Miami hire Tata Martino as coach, confirming reunion with Lionel Messi
Biden boasts of successes of ‘Bidenomics’ in key speech – as it happened
US president lays out economic vision centered around three key pillars', giving a glimpse at a key piece of his 2024 campaignTwenty years have passed since the United States invaded Iraq, and the country has dropped substantially in priority among Washington's foreign policy concerns.At the White House and in the halls of Congress, you are much more likely to hear about China, Russia and its invasion of Ukraine, or the perennial issue of Iran than about America's relations with Baghdad. But it's worth remembering that before he became vice-president under Barack Obama, or president 12 years later, Joe Biden played a major role in getting Congress to approve America's invasion of Iraq.Biden did vastly more than just vote for the war. Yet his role in bringing about that war remains mostly unknown or misunderstood by the public. When the war was debated and then authorized by the US Congress in 2002, Democrats controlled the Senate and Biden was chair of the Senate committee on foreign relations. Biden himself had enormous influence as chair and argued strongly in favor of the 2002 resolution granting President Bush the authority to invade Iraq.I do not believe this is a rush to war," Biden said a few days before the vote. I believe it is a march to peace and security. I believe that failure to overwhelmingly support this resolution is likely to enhance the prospects that war will occur ..." Continue reading...
‘Bidenomics is working’: Joe Biden boasts of economy plan – video
Joe Biden called Bidenomics" a success during a speech in Chicago, boasting about his record on promoting employment and wage growth in the US over the two and a half years since he took office.
Tennessee State to become first HBCU to add ice hockey program
Trump sues E Jean Carroll for defamation over rape comments
Former president makes counterclaim, after civil trial found he sexually abused herDonald Trump has sued E Jean Carroll for defamation, alleging she falsely accused him of rape after a jury in a civil trial found that he sexually abused her.Trump's counterclaim against Carroll in Manhattan federal court on Tuesday cited Carroll's statements on the CNN cable news channel after the verdict, and comes after a jury's finding in May that he sexually abused and defamed Carroll, but the jury did not find that he raped her. Continue reading...
Central Park Five’s Yusef Salaam declares victory in city council primary
Salaam, who was falsely accused along with four others of raping a woman, faced two veteran politicians for Harlem seat in New YorkYusef Salaam, who as a child was part of a group of teenagers wrongly accused, convicted and imprisoned for the rape of a woman jogging in New York's Central Park, has declared victory in a Democratic primary for a city council seat in New York - giving him a very good chance of representing a Harlem district as an elected official.Salaam faced two veteran politicians, New York state assembly members Al Taylor, 65, and Inez Dickens, 73, in the race for a seat representing part of the majority-Black uptown Manhattan neighborhood. The incumbent, democratic socialist Kristin Richard Jordan, dropped out of the race in May but remained on the ballot. Continue reading...
Record-setting Texas heat sends hundreds of people to emergency rooms
Emergency medical providers respond to heat-related illnesses as extreme temperatures become more frequent and prolonged
Man pleads not guilty to manslaughter over chokehold death of Jordan Neely
Daniel Penny, 24, also pleads not guilty to criminally negligent homicide after incident on New York subwayThe man accused of fatally strangling Jordan Neely with a chokehold in a New York City subway car last month pleaded not guilty to charges of manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide in a court appearance on Wednesday to enter a plea to a grand jury indictment charging him in the killing.Daniel Penny, 24, was captured in videos recorded by bystanders choking Neely from behind for several minutes on 1 May while they rode on a train on the F line, in Manhattan. Continue reading...
Assisted dying is on nobody’s bucket list – but preventing it is deeply unjust | Zoe Williams
As MPs examine the issue, one thing is clear: terminally ill people shouldn't have to beg for the right to die with dignityThere are limits to how much you can infer from the 540 British people who have elected to die with the help of Dignitas since it opened in 1998: it's hard to tell how many more people would make this choice if they had 10,000, which is how much it typically costs.But one figure, which came out in this week's House of Commons' assisted dying investigation, tells its own story: Britons constitute more than one in seven of the people who end their lives in this way; roughly the same proportion are French; in the majority by far are Germans, at 40%. The German government overhauled the laws on assisted dying in 2020, and the French are in the process of doing so, recognition of a fact so obvious that it is astonishing anyone should have to say it out loud: most people don't even want to go to a hospital to die, let alone travel to another country.Zoe Williams is a Guardian columnist Continue reading...
Everything has turned grey – cars, clothes, kitchens, carpets. I can't take it any more | Adrian Chiles
Grey has nothing to do with joy, optimism, passion or life. Why has the world been drained of colour?My friend once came to see me in a flat I'd just moved into. This was Lee Dixon, the former footballer and a television colleague at the time. He looked around approvingly but said: You've got to be a bit careful here. Your carpets, your sofa and your walls are all grey. You've got these big windows and outside the clouds are grey. Your hair is grey and so are your clothes. Your disposition's a bit grey sometimes, too. You're blending in. I can barely see you. You might have to put on some hi-vis."Footballers can be terribly savage like this. But I saw Lee had a point, and I've been trying to de-grey myself ever since. This is hard in the world we live in. Having chosen a new lease car, I had to select a colour. I was spoilt for choice: there were only shades of grey available, so I plumped for grey. Looking around, it then struck me that most cars are now grey. Apart from the sheer dreariness, this is surely suboptimal in terms of safety; like me in my front room that day, they're all camouflaged against the roads and, often, the sky.Adrian Chiles is a Guardian columnist Continue reading...
South Korea has turned back time and made its people younger – sign me up | Claire Cohen
Is age really just a number? Post-pandemic, it's easy to feel like we've been robbed of precious yearsImagine someone offered you the chance to take a couple of years off your age - no catch, no need to hide your passport or cross your fingers that no one checks up on your LinkedIn claim to have graduated in 2008.You'd jump at it, wouldn't you? The people of South Korea certainly have: their government has just given its citizens the gift of youth, making them all a year or two younger overnight.Claire Cohen is a journalist and the author of BFF? The Truth About Female Friendship Continue reading...
Simone Biles returning to gymnastics in first meet since 2020 Tokyo Olympics
Heatwave in south and wildfire smoke in north buffet US from both sides
More than 80m Americans under air quality alerts while temperatures hit triple digits in south and south-westHuge swaths of the United States continue to face extreme weather as temperatures persist into the triple digits in the south and south-west while smoke pollution is blighting the midwest.Chicago and Detroit both had the most unhealthy air in the world for several hours on Tuesday evening, CNN reported, as smoke drifts from record Canadian wildfires. More than 80 million people, largely from the midwest to the east coast, are under air quality alerts. Continue reading...
Angels’ Ohtani becomes sixth player with two homers and 10 Ks since 1893
Tour de France 2023: stage-by-stage guide to this year’s race
The Grand Depart will be in the Basque Country this year before crossing the Pyrenees and then heading across the Massif CentralThe Tour starts in Spain's foremost cycling heartland, with a stage through the Basque Country hills which will give many the jitters. Four stiff ascents in the final 80km with the Cote de Pike less than 10km from the line means an initial sort-out of the field; at least one favourite could lose the race here. The finish is made for Julian Alaphilippe, so France will expect a win and yellow jersey. Continue reading...
Former NFL quarterback Ryan Mallett dies in apparent drowning aged 35
Sarah McBride, highest-ranking trans elected official in US, to run for Congress
Democratic state senator will seek Delaware's sole seat in House of Representatives in 2024Sarah McBride, the highest-ranked openly transgender elected official in the US, announced she is running for the US House of Representatives this week. If elected, she will be the first openly transgender member of Congress.This campaign isn't just about making history - it's about moving forward," said McBride in a press release on Monday. To strengthen our democracy, we need effective leaders who believe in taking bold action and building bridges for lasting progress." Continue reading...