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Updated 2024-07-08 11:00
Kristi Noem calls dog shooting report ‘fake news’ but insists on need to kill animal
Dog lover' South Dakota governor said 14-month-old hound was extremely dangerous' but failed to mention slowly killing a goatKristi Noem, the governor of South Dakota whose chance of being Donald Trump's presidential running mate was widely deemed over after she published a description of shooting dead a dog and a goat, claimed reports of the story were fake news" but also that the dog in question, Cricket, a 14-month-old wirehaired pointer, was extremely dangerous" and deserved her fate.You know how the fake news works," Noem told Fox News. They leave out some or most of the facts of a story, they put the worst spin on it. And that's what's happened in this case. Continue reading...
Which is worse, Israel’s lies about Gaza or its western backers who repeat those lies? | Mehdi Hasan
Useful idiots keep parroting provably false Israeli talking points. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me ...The Italians having a proverb," wrote the 17th century British courtier Anthony Weldon, He that deceives me once, its his fault; but if twice, its my fault.'"Today, we commonly summarize that old Italian proverb as: Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."Timeline on repeat: Israel commits massacreMehdi Hasan is the editor-in-chief of Zeteo and a Guardian US columnist Continue reading...
Trump hush-money trial to hear further testimony from Stormy Daniels’ lawyer – live
Keith Davidson is expected back on stand on Thursday; judge Juan Merchan will hold hearing on further claims Trump violated gag order
Peloton CEO steps down as beleaguered company cuts 15% of workforce
Fitness company's sales boomed during the Covid pandemic as gyms closed but sales collapsed as the world reopenedBarry McCarthy has stepped down as CEO of Peloton, the company said on Thursday, as it decided to cut 15% of its workforce to tackle a post-pandemic slump in demand for its connected fitness equipment.In a note, McCarthy said: Hard as the decision has been to make additional headcount cuts, Peloton simply had no other way to bring its spending in line with its revenue." Continue reading...
UCLA students describe violent attack on Gaza protest encampment: ‘It was terrifying’
Slow response from authorities left students shocked as people wearing white masks attacked pro-Palestine protestersWhen Meghna Nair, a second-year student at the University of California, Los Angeles, saw a masked group of people headed toward the pro-Palestine encampment on campus late on Tuesday evening, she expected trouble.I knew where they were going. I had an idea what they planned to do," she said. I didn't know what to do." Continue reading...
Campus protests: UCLA students in standoff with police as demonstrations spread across US
More than a thousand supporters at a pro-Palestine encampment in California face arrest by police, a day after it was attacked by pro-Israel counter-protesters
Police raid UCLA pro-Palestinian camp and make arrests – video report
Flashbangs could be heard as police moved in on a pro-Palestinian demonstrators' encampment on the UCLA campus. The overnight law enforcement effort came after officers spent hours threatening arrests over loudspeakers if people did not disperse
Body recovered of fifth worker who died in Baltimore bridge collapse
Miguel Angel Luna Gonzalez was one of six construction workers killed when a container ship collided with bridge in MarchThe body of a fifth victim in the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, Maryland, has been recovered.Miguel Angel Luna Gonzalez was identified as the victim, per Unified Command salvage teams. The group, which is a joint effort by police, the coast guard and other government agencies, had reported one of their construction vehicles missing when the bridge collapsed in March and notified the Maryland department of state police, per ABC News. Continue reading...
NBA playoff roundup: Celtics blow out Heat to advance as Doncic stars for Mavs
Vintage performance: what’s behind NBA stars’ wine obsession?
LeBron James and JJ Redick's podcast contains in-depth basketball analysis - and plenty of oenophilia. They're not the only ones around the leagueLeBron James could have chosen anything as a hobby to shepherd him into early middle age. He could have started collecting vintage cars or investing in startups or flying planes; he could have gotten into Texas-style barbecue and joined the massed ranks of American males who index their self-esteem to the quality of their smoke rings; he could have launched an alt-coin; he could have become a Roman Empire guy, a pizza geek, an amateur rancher, or a whisky bore. Instead he has developed a passion for wine. Nowhere is that passion on fuller display than in Mind the Game, James's new show with JJ Redick, which sees this colossus of the boards dissect - in sometimes bewilderingly wonkish detail - the great plays and tactical trends of modern basketball while pouring a series of fabulously expensive wines for the pair's on-screen delectation.James, of course, is the perennial adult of American sport, an athlete who had the body of a man when he was still a boy and arrived in the NBA with all the elements of his mature game - the vision, the piano hands, the speed in transition and bulging power through the paint - seemingly already perfected. So it makes a rough kind of sense that he's chosen scholarly, contemplative, grown-up oenophilia - the most responsible form of adult irresponsibility, a pastime that educates while it intoxicates - as the signature off-court diversion of his twilight years in the NBA. The king of the court is now the king of the wine influencers. Continue reading...
When my tumble dryer broke, I didn’t have high hopes of the chatbot. But the human was even less useful | Adrian Chiles
Appliance manufacturers think they've made the world a better place by automating their online help service. They couldn't be more wrongFrom where I'm sitting at this moment I can order some groceries to be brought to my door in a matter of hours. I can get anything from a cup of coffee to a three-course meal delivered within minutes. In terms of personal services that I could summon at a moment's notice - well, put it like this, I wish I hadn't checked. I can buy almost anything I want from anywhere in the world for delivery at a set time. Big things and small. Big white things, for example, such as dishwashers, washing machines and tumble dryers. A couple of clicks and they'll be on their way, not a problem. Easy. But should my brand new dishwasher, washing machine or tumble dryer require a repair of some sort, that's a different story. At this point, time seems to slow down like the drum at the end of a spin cycle.If I may write the most boring sentence I've ever written, my new condenser tumble dryer worked fine but didn't seem to be collecting any water. An unnerving, unsettling state of affairs, I'm sure you'll agree. I went to the manufacturer's website and gave the chatbot short shrift by demanding contact with a human, who then materialised. This human, if it was a human, proved to be of limited use. During the early exchanges in this live chat tennis I felt as if I got across the nature of my problem quite clearly. Not so. At the conclusion of the opening rally, the human put me completely off my stroke by asking me what kind of machine I was talking about. I checked. I'd told them that. A dryer. Then the human asked me what it said in the manual about my problem. So I gave up on this human and asked for another, more competent human. And at this point, of course, if you set aside the infernal modern madness of chatbots' livechats and whatnot, we essentially return to the last century. Continue reading...
Revealed: Emory University investigated over alleged anti-Muslim discrimination
College under federal investigation after students with Palestinian and Muslim ancestry allege hostile environment', Guardian learnsThe US government has opened an investigation into Emory University's alleged discrimination against students with Palestinian, Muslim or Arab ancestry since 7 October, the Guardian has exclusively learned.The US education department notified the Council on American Islamic Relations, Georgia, or Cair-GA, and Palestine Legal, a national organization, on Tuesday that it would be investigating claims made in an 18-page complaint filed on 5 April on behalf of students at the university in Atlanta, Georgia, under title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Continue reading...
Does shooting her puppy rule out Kristi Noem as Trump’s running mate? Don’t bet on it | Emma Brockes
Some say the public bragging of the formerly obscure governor of South Dakota ends her chances. But with Trump, who can say?There is a familiar moment in Republican electoral politics when an obscure politician thrust into the limelight during election season comes under intense public scrutiny and is found to be not quite as first impressions suggested. This was Sarah Palin in 2008, or Ben Carson in 2016, and the inflection point is the moment at which the supposedly promising new face shades into what Mitch McConnell once delicately referred to as the Republicans' candidate quality problem". Or, as most of us know it colloquially, the moment we realise: oh, this person is unhinged.So it was last week for Kristi Noem, the formerly obscure governor of South Dakota, propelled into the big time as a possible running mate for Donald Trump, and who at first glance appeared appalling in all the ordinary ways. The 52-year-old, who was elected to the governorship in 2018, echoes the Republican party's hardline positions on abortion, immigration and offshore drilling in ways indistinguishable from the rest of the VP field. She is telegenic, charismatic, reliably rightwing, and, according to her forthcoming memoir No Going Back: The Truth on What's Wrong With Politics and How We Move America Forward, also killed her 14-month-old puppy, Cricket.Emma Brockes is a Guardian columnist Continue reading...
UCLA Gaza protesters in tense standoff with police– video
Hundreds of law enforcement officers massed on the campus of the University of California, Los Angeles after darkness fell in preparation to clear out a pro-Palestinian protest camp attacked the night before by pro-Israel supporters. Protesters at UCLA have been told to disperse or face arrest. Throughout the evening, hundreds rallied to the campus in support of the protesters
Protests continue at university campuses across US – in pictures
After major police raids on universities in New York and Los Angeles, students continue to demonstrate against the war in Gaza Continue reading...
‘I was lying on the ground beside a wall of cops’: student photographers’ best images of the campus protests
Nine photojournalists from across the US tell the stories behind their most powerful shots, as pro-Palestinian protesters face police crackdownsAs protests in support of Palestine sweep university campuses across the US, student journalists from New York to Texas have documented the reality inside the encampments. They have risen to the occasion, capturing the quiet moments, the celebratory elements, the tense scenes and the violent police arrests.We asked nine photographers - who have been covering the demonstrations at Columbia, Berkeley, the University of Texas and beyond - to tell the stories behind their most powerful photos. Continue reading...
Islamophobia has warped the London mayoral race. That makes Sadiq Khan’s poll lead even more impressive | Zoe Williams
Donald Trump opened the floodgates and bigoted attacks from the right became a new normal. It's been a sorry spectacleMayoral elections can seem set apart from the main drag of politics. People vote for individuals and their records, it's not outlandish to stand as an independent, and even candidates within a party can float above it. It would be unusual, for example, to think I can't stand Rishi Sunak" (wait! That's not the unusual bit) therefore I won't vote for Andy Street". But even though they stand alone, paradoxically, you can see a huge amount about the bigger picture, globally as well as nationally, from these purportedly local ballots.Sadiq Khan has pretty unusual international name recognition for a city mayor, and the reason - no offence to him, his Hopper bus fares are good too - is that he has been the focus of racist and Islamophobic outbursts ever since Donald Trump called him a stone cold loser" when the then-US president visited London in 2019.Zoe Williams is a Guardian columnistDo you have an opinion on the issues raised in this article? If you would like to submit a response of up to 300 words by email to be considered for publication in our letters section, please click here. Continue reading...
I never thought people like me voted for the far right. I was wrong | Khuê Phạm
In Germany the AfD uses second-generation members to overhaul its xenophobic image - some buy into the messageLike many here in Germany, my home country, I have been following the rise of the far-right Alternative fur Deutschland obsessively, expecting it to dominate the state elections in eastern Germany this September: polls put it ahead in all three states that are set to vote. Imagine Reform UK winning the north of England by promising to target and deport refugees and immigrants. It feels threatening to people like me.I guess my alarm is no surprise, given that I come from a Vietnamese family. But I have been shocked to learn that even immigrant Germans are considering voting for the AfD. There are no numbers on this yet, but still, I cannot help but feel a personal sense of disappointment. How can people like me side with them?Khue Phm is a German journalist and writer. Her debut novel, Brothers and Ghosts, which is inspired by her Vietnamese family, has just been released Continue reading...
Arizona's senate votes to repeal 19th century abortion ban – video
Arizona lawmakers have repealed the state's 160-year-old statute banning nearly all abortions. The repeal was passed by the Senate in a 16-14 vote and is expected to be quickly signed by Governor Katie Hobbs, a Democrat. Two Republican senators crossed party lines to vote in favour of repealing the ban.
‘I want to push the limits’: ‘quad god’ Ilia Malinin on his mission to save figure skating – and do a quintuple
At 19, Malinin is the only person in history to land a quadruple axel - a four-and-a-half-revolution jump - in competition, and he thinks he can go further. Will his incredible athleticism revive a tarnished sport?I always try to be a gamechanger or innovator," says Ilia Malinin, the American prodigy who has cut a swathe through the world of figure skating. In March in Montreal, the 19-year-old roared to his first world championship with a star-making long programme set to music from the TV show Succession. It was immediately hailed as the greatest athletic display in the sport's history.Malinin became the second person ever to land six quadruple jumps in a single programme, and the first to do it with a quadruple axel, the heart-stopping four-and-a-half-revolution jump that had never been landed in competition until he came along. Skating with verve and pace to the lumbering strings, dissonant piano chords and swaggering 808s of Nicholas Britell's crowd-pleasing score, he won the sport's biggest competition outside the Olympics with a record-shattering free-skate score more than 24 points clear of his closest rival. Continue reading...
UCLA chancellor condemns ‘instigators’ who attacked pro-Palestinian camp on campus
Los Angeles mayor calls late-night attack by counter-demonstrators abhorrent' as footage shows people wielding sticks
Trump trades New York worries for hit of adulation from his Maga faithful
On a day off from his criminal trial, the ex-president hit the campaign trail - and ran through his familiar litany of falsehoods and complaintsAt a remote rural airport in Michigan, an outsized plane touched down as music from Tom Cruise's film Top Gun boomed from loudspeakers. Late afternoon sunshine gleamed off five giant golden letters on the plane's side - TRUMP" - and its Rolls Royce engines. A crowd bedecked in red roared as the plane rolled to a standstill behind a blue TRUMP" lectern.A door opened and men in dark glasses and dark suits from what Donald Trump would call central casting" made their way down the stairs. Trump! Trump!" the audience chanted, raising hundreds of camera phones in eager anticipation. Great Balls of Fire, Macho Man and YMCA blared. Finally, the former and would-be future president emerged, clapping and fist pumping to the sound of whoops and cheers and Lee Greenwood's God Bless the USA. Continue reading...
Wisconsin police kill student who came to middle school with a gun
Authorities described the student as a juvenile male but did not provide further identification or specifics pending an investigationWisconsin police shot and killed a student whom officials say came to a local middle school with a gun. The student never got into the school, but as a precaution the entire district was put on a lockdown late Wednesday morning.Students have since been reunited with their parents, some of whom waited up to five hours for their children to be dropped at a bus storage center in Mount Horeb, a village about 20 miles south-west of Madison, the state capital, according to WMTV 15 news. Continue reading...
Animals on the run: from a runaway racehorse to an escaped circus elephant – video
So far, 2024 has been a busy year for animal escapes. From a sauntering circus elephant in Montana to huskies breaking out of a pet cafe in Shenzhen, here are five times animals went on the run
Top New York prosecutor says 280 people arrested at campus protests; independent review into UCLA violence – as it happened
We're now closing this blog - but you can follow all the latest news and reaction from campus protests across the US in our new live blog:
Activists march for immigrant rights in Wisconsin: ‘We’re making this country strong’
Focus of rally went beyond immigration, to fear of authoritarianism, as Trump held campaign event nearbyLed by a mariachi band, hundreds of demonstrators on Wednesday morning marched across Milwaukee to the Fiserv Forum - the home of the Milwaukee Bucks and, in July, the venue of the Republican national convention.The rally, organized by the immigrant and workers' rights group Voces de la Frontera, is an annual event, but in 2024 it holds particular weight. The focus of the rally extended beyond immigration, to fear of authoritarianism under Republican candidate Donald Trump and critique of Joe Biden's handling of the US role in Israel and Gaza. Continue reading...
Arizona senate passes repeal of 1864 near-total abortion ban
Democrats pick up support of two Republicans to repeal law reinstated three weeks ago, with governor expected to ratify repealArizona lawmakers have repealed the state's 160-year-old statute banning nearly all abortions.The 1864 law, which was reinstated by the state supreme court three weeks ago, has made abortion a central focus in the battleground state and galvanized Democrats seeking to enshrine abortion rights. Continue reading...
US anti-doping agency attacks Wada’s ‘half-truths’ over Chinese swimmers
US House votes to pass antisemitism bill in response to campus protests
Bill to use language by International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance to define antisemitism, which critics say would chill speechThe US House of Representatives has voted to pass an antisemitism awareness bill, a controversial measure sponsored by a New York Republican amid controversy over pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses in Manhattan and across the US, as Israel's war with Hamas drags on.The bill passed 320-91 with some bipartisan support. Continue reading...
Manhattan district attorney says about 280 people arrested at New York campus protests – video
Manhattan's district attorney, Alvin Bragg, said that approximately 280 people were arrested between protests at Columbia University and Cuny. 'There were approximately 280 total arrest from these two events,' Bragg confirmed during Wednesday's press conference.New York police stormed Columbia University and City College of New York on Tuesday, evicting students from both campuses. Large-scale student protests have broken out across US universities, opposing Israel's war on Gaza and calling on their institutions to sever ties with Israeli institutions. Bragg added: 'We will look carefully at each individual case on our docket and make decisions based on the facts and the law'
Kamala Harris invokes ‘fight for our freedom’ as Florida six-week abortion ban takes effect
State supreme court last month cleared the way for the awful' ban, but also allowed November ballot measure for abortionA six-week abortion ban went into effect on Wednesday in Florida, cutting off access to the procedure before many people know they are pregnant and leveling the south-eastern United States' last stronghold for abortion rights.The ban went into force weeks after Florida's state supreme court issued a decision clearing the way for it to take effect. Strict bans now blanket all of the American deep south, increasing the strain on the country's remaining clinics. The closest clinic for most Floridians past six weeks of pregnancy is now several states away in North Carolina, which outlaws abortion after 12 weeks of pregnancy. Continue reading...
US continues to oppose Israeli Rafah offensive without plan for civilians, says Blinken – video
The US secretary of state has said the US continues to oppose an Israeli offensive on Rafah without a plan to protect civilians. More than a million Palestinians have taken refuge from Israel's assault in the city in southern Gaza. Speaking at the end of a lengthy trip to the Middle East, Antony Blinken also urged Hamas to accept the current offer for a ceasefire
Crackdowns intensify on pro-Palestine campus protests as hundreds arrested
Tensions continue after night of unrest at UCLA and Columbia, as New York mayor blames outside agitators' for escalation
US Federal Reserve holds interest rates steady as inflation ticks up
Fed announces it will keep interest rates at 5.25% to 5.5% as rate of inflation remains above target of 2%The Federal Reserve announced on Wednesday that it is holding interest rates steady at 5.25% to 5.5%, their highest level in two decades, as inflation continues to dog the US economy.Though some had hoped the Fed would soon cut interest rates, which are at their highest level since 2007, the annual rate of inflation has stubbornly remained above 3%. The Fed's target rate is 2%. Continue reading...
The Guardian view on the cost of a cashless society: the most vulnerable will pay | Editorial
The pandemic accelerated the shift away from notes and coins. But China and others are realising that transition has a priceOne of the idiosyncrasies of China's huge appetite for luxury goods has been the high sales of man bags - a niche item in the west. Their popularity initially reflected not just the fondness of the newly rich for conspicuous consumption, but also the practical need to carry large wodges of banknotes in a country that hadn't truly embraced credit cards. Early last decade, it was unremarkable to pay a quarter's rent or buy a car in cash.Yet even vegetable sellers in small markets, or people begging on the streets, now use QR codes. By 2020, 98% of people in a survey said they most commonly paid using smartphone apps. The advantage, for the consumer, is convenience. For the authorities it offers not only efficiency but oversight, in a country which is battling corruption and which closely surveils its citizens. Beijing has also been promoting a digital yuan" developed by its central bank. Continue reading...
Could student protesters turn the 2024 election?
Away from the back-and-forth of the campaign trail, thousands of students are taking part in pro-Palestinian encampment-style protests at more than 50 university campuses across the US
How do you describe the view to someone who can’t see? I couldn’t even do justice to a canal towpath | Adrian Chiles
A day with some blind and partially sighted walkers has shown me how much I barely notice - and how hard it is to find the right wordsHow many shades of green are there? Whatever the answer may be, I soon ran out of words to describe them. I was walking north along the Grand Union canal, trying and failing to adequately describe what I could see, to a friend who couldn't. This was Dave Heeley, ultra-runner, who in 2008 became the first blind person to run seven marathons on seven continents in seven days. Today we were walking rather than running - which, with me guiding him, was just as well.I had guided a blind adventurer once before when I took part in the television series Pilgrimage. One of my fellow pilgrims was the remarkable Amar Latif. We were high up on the side of a deep, lush valley in eastern Serbia. I was focused on the trickiness of the path itself, but Amar kept asking me to describe the vista. I looked down that valley at the mountains in the distance and simply didn't know how or where to start. I had a bash, as there was plainly plenty of material to work with, but didn't feel I had done justice to the richness of that scene.Adrian Chiles is a broadcaster, writer and Guardian columnist Continue reading...
Marjorie Taylor Greene to force vote on ousting Mike Johnson as speaker
Extremist's bid to remove House speaker appears certain to fail as Democratic leaders indicate they will table or kill motion
US judges reject new Louisiana voting map with second majority-Black district
Rejection by three-judge panel fuels new uncertainty about district boundaries as state prepares for congressional electionsA new congressional map giving Louisiana a second majority-Black House district was rejected on Tuesday by a panel of three federal judges, fueling new uncertainty about district boundaries as the state prepares for fall congressional elections.The 2-1 ruling forbids the use of a map drawn up in January by the legislature after a different federal judge blocked a map from 2022. The earlier map maintained a single Black-majority district and five mostly white districts, in a state with a population that is about one-third Black. Continue reading...
In Rafah I saw new graveyards fill with children. It is unimaginable that worse could be yet to come | James Elder
The European hospital is crammed with severely injured and dying children - a military offensive here will be catastrophic
US students: share your experience of the pro-Palestinian campus protests
We would like to hear from students on US campuses that have seen protests
Mitt Romney says his dog scandal doesn’t compare to Kristi Noem’s: ‘I didn’t shoot my dog’
Republican senator says Noem's story of killing her 14-month-old hunting dog makes her unlikely to be Trump's running mate
‘Yes, this is real’: LA recreates Glasgow’s Willy Wonka disaster – sad Oompa Loompa included
The viral Glasgow event made children cry and adults seethe. Could a California tribute provide some measure of absolution?She was the sad Oompa Loompa seen around the world. Inside a bleak warehouse in Glasgow, a supposed celebration of Wonka's delectable world of chocolate left children crying and parents calling the police. Attendees paid 35 to visit a bleak warehouse with a handful of props and posters; inside, they were treated to two jellybeans each and a few poorly costumed actors. Images of the event went extremely viral, making international news and inspiring a horror film and an hour-long documentary.Two months later, I found myself walking toward another grim-looking warehouse, this time in downtown Los Angeles. I was here for Willy's Chocolate Experience LA, a tribute to the Glasgow disaster promising live entertainment, a red carpet-style photo op and a rare chance to meet the celebrity Oompa Loompa herself. Continue reading...
Violence at UCLA as Gaza protest camp attacked by counter-demonstrators | First Thing
Dozens of anti-war protesters also arrested in New York after Columbia also calls in police. Plus, Trump fined by trial judge over gag order breaches
NBA playoff roundup: Maxey’s late heroics save 76ers’ season against Knicks
Fireworks thrown at Gaza protesters as tensions rise at UCLA – video report
Violent clashes between pro-Palestinian protesters and counter-demonstrators broke out at the University of California in Los Angeles. Aerial footage shows people trying to break through barriers protecting the pro-Palestinian protest group. Administrators called in law enforcement, who surrounded the area. The 7 October attack on southern Israel by Hamas militants from Gaza, and the ensuing Israeli offensive on the Palestinian territory, have unleashed the biggest outpouring of US student activism since the antiracism protests of 2020 after the death of George Floyd. Police have arrested hundreds of students across the US, including dozens at Columbia University, where protesters barricaded a university building
‘I’m feeling paralysed’: they arrested my friends for protesting on campus | Grey Battle
We chose Yale and it chose us, but one party was betrayedOliver was arrested this morning. 13 students arrested," Ella texted me at 8.27am, No, 45."Are you awake? Should we go? I'm feeling paralyzed right now."Grey Battle studies political science at Yale University. She grew up in Birmingham, Alabama Continue reading...
Kristi Noem’s dog-killing embodies the cruel phonyness of today’s Republicans | Ryan Busse
The South Dakota governor's proud dog murder tells a lot about how posturing Trumpists like she and Greg Gianforte thinkAfter South Dakota's Republican governor, Kristi Noem, proudly admitted in a forthcoming memoir to marching her young puppy Cricket to a gravel pit to kill her with a shotgun, she rationalized the despicable act by arguing that Cricket had been aggressive.She also said that she used the same gravel pit to shoot a disgusting, musky, rancid" unnamed goat - but botched the job, leaving the goat to suffer unnecessarily while she rushed to her truck to get a second shell. (It's unclear why Noem, supposedly a shrewd outdoorswoman, didn't think to carry more shells on her.) Continue reading...
US teen averts tragedy by taking wheel after school bus driver falls ill
Eighth-grader Acie Holland from Wisconsin hailed as hero for quick thinking after he noticed driver had become unresponsiveAn eighth-grade student recently averted a tragedy when he brought a careening school bus carrying him and his fellow students to a stop after its driver fell ill from a medical emergency, according to officials who are praising the boy's actions.Acie Holland III was taking a bus ride home when he realized the woman driving had become unresponsive, his principal, Anna Young, wrote in a letter to the campus community. The bus veered into the oncoming traffic lane, prompting Acie to rush up to the driver, move her foot off the gas pedal and apply the brake. Continue reading...
Workers at far-right site Gateway Pundit feared credibility issues, filing shows
Lawyers for Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, election workers suing website for defamation, made disclosure in April court filingEmployees of the far-right website Gateway Pundit, which has played a key role in spreading lies about the 2020 election, were worried contributors were not credible and expressed concerns about plagiarism, a court filing last month revealed.Lawyers for Ruby Freeman and her daughter Shaye Moss, two Georgia election workers suing the site for defamation, made the disclosure in a 16 April court filing seeking a court order forcing the website to turn over more internal documents. They said they had obtained text messages from Gateway Pundit's director of operations and associate editor expressing concerns that a contributor engaged in plagiarism and made claims without any sources". Continue reading...