Revered and lording it over the internet | Letters
Oh no! Please don't ban obligatory internet titles (Letters, 9 January). They provide me with endless hours of harmless fun. Whenever I am required to provide one, I just choose the least appropriate for the site or company in question. Having long since exhausted Dr and Prof, I'm now a Sir to one of my banks, and have been a Lord to another, with a chequebook to that effect. I'm also a Dame and a Father elsewhere. Having long since used up all of the offered titles, I now go for the Other option and create my own, much to the amusement of my postie. My favourite is The Reverend, accepted by a company that now calls me "The Revered". But I've never knowingly benefited by my self-elevation within our class- and status-fixated society.
J Brian Harrison-Jennings
Huddersfield, West Yorkshire
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