Whores of Yore: a history of sex workers, told one tweet at a time
Postdoc researcher Kate Lister has fun, weird and often NSFW Twitter feed called Whores of Yore. She describes it as a "catalogue of jilts, cracks, prostitutes, night-walkers, whores, she-friends, kind women, and others of the linnen-lifting tribe."
Medieval FILTH pic.twitter.com/Z1cVAHzzDs
- Whores of Yore (@WhoresofYore) January 13, 2016
An ornate dildo! pic.twitter.com/CvHSWRbs1E
- Whores of Yore (@WhoresofYore) January 13, 2016
Plate 1: Hogarth's 'A Harlot's Progress'. An innocent girl comes to London and is approached by a Brothel keeper pic.twitter.com/xkrL3Wu7Uh
- Whores of Yore (@WhoresofYore) January 13, 2016
Minnie Bradley, arrested for larceny. She listed her occupation as "prostitute". (Nebraska State Historical Society pic.twitter.com/YyJlDzHUM2
- Whores of Yore (@WhoresofYore) January 6, 2016
[via]Mugshot of working girl Goldie Williams, arrested for vagrancy in Nebraska,1898. (Nebraska State Historical Society) pic.twitter.com/Pr7V1CCPbV
- Whores of Yore (@WhoresofYore) January 6, 2016