Pipe 120M8 All PipeDOT Editors Die or just have something better to do

All PipeDOT Editors Die or just have something better to do

Anonymous Coward
in pipedot on (#120M8)
Rumour has it that all of the known editors of the fantastic fabulour flexible felicitating news site Pipedot have died! Or found a girlfriend; discovered that the outdoors does indeed have superior resolution compared to their computer minitor; maybe fell in love with candy; or just maybe got a life. Who knows. Not us, obviously, or we would not be speculating. At any rate, the Pipe is clogged, the news is getting stale, the world is turning. Anyone willing to throw in a fiver for funeral costs, or a bachelor party (close enough to be the same really).
score +1
  • Closed (junk)
Reply 1 comments

sigh (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2016-02-02 11:45 (#12MM4)

i put a lot of effort into this story :*(