New online streamline tv sites multiplying
Hollywood has much to fear and it is all their own damn fault well okay mostly their own fault maybe some of us dont want to fork over our hard earnes cash repeatesly for the same old crap which is where a bunch of new sites come into the picture with cool names like Solar Movie Watch Series Tube Plus Kiss Cartoon bringing up the level of streaming tv over the net starting again the cycle we had decades ago oh heck I feel old where people uploaded single mp3 files to web pages downloading was easy bandwidth was scare which today equates to video files on web sites either single files or streamed now torrented via http pages straight to the browser no client required starting again the cat and mouse game for the MAFIAA which this time with powerful search engines and batteries of lawyers and vpns means the game will eacalate faster and higher probably ending up hooking everyone through tor or the undernet or overnet to share in peace away from the evil forces of skeletor^WHollywood.