Comment 14W6M Re: Stupid non-story


Motorola is dead. Long live Motorola.


Stupid non-story (Score: 1)

by on 2016-02-18 16:07 (#14C7N)

Seems like a pretty insipid non-story to me:

"We'll slowly phase out Motorola and focus on Moto."
Motorola's iconic M "batwing" logo will still be used.
Motorola said it removed its name from the packaging in 2013.

They've already been using the "Moto" naming for years, with the Moto X, Moto G, Moto E being their big products the past several years.

Sounds like one tech writer (with nothing else to report that week) is bemoaning the downfall and sale of Motorola's phone division, at 3+ years after the fact.

And FWIW, Lenovo has been pretty successful since buying Motorola, with those phones I listed above selling quite well the past several years, much better than Motorola or Google managed to do with the brand in recent years.

Re: Stupid non-story (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2016-02-23 12:56 (#14W6M)

Fair enough. Just very sad to see another tech giant fade away

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