Article 15RRS Egyptian room

Egyptian room

from Fabulous adventures in coding on (#15RRS)

This looks like an Egyptian tomb. A stair ascends to the west. The solid-gold coffin used for the burial of Ramses II is here.

> take the coffin

Your load is too heavy.

> drop the sword


> take the coffin


> go west
> go south

All right, we know that object have variably-sized properties, Boolean attributes, a parent, child and sibling, and a name. We're going to ignore the properties and attributes for now, and decode the rest. The object table is laid out in memory like this:

  • The address of the object table is in the word beginning at byte 10 in the story header.
  • The object table begins with either 31 or 63 default values for properties. Each is two bytes.
  • After that, the object tree proper begins. Every tree entry is of the same size:
    • 32 (or 48) bits of attributes
    • the parent object number (1 or 2 bytes)
    • the sibling object number (1 or 2 bytes)
    • the child object number (1 or 2 bytes)
    • the address of a block of data containing the name and the properties

So let's do it. Code for this episode can be found at

We need some wrapper types so that the compiler can catch my bugs:

type object_base = Object_base of inttype property_defaults_table = Property_defaults_table of inttype object_tree_base = Object_tree_base of inttype object_number = Object of inttype object_address = Object_address of inttype property_header_address = Property_header of int

We need to fetch the base out of the story:

let object_table_base story = let object_table_base_offset = Word_address 10 in Object_base (read_word story object_table_base_offset)

How big the default properties block is depends on the version number:

let default_property_table_size story = if Story.v3_or_lower (Story.version story) then 31 else 63let default_property_table_entry_size = 2let tree_base story = let (Object_base base) = Story.object_table_base story in let table_size = default_property_table_size story in Object_tree_base (base + default_property_table_entry_size * table_size)

And how big every entry is depends on the version; version 3 has 4 bytes of attributes, 3 bytes of parent, sibling, child, and 2 bytes of property header address. Version 4 has 6, 6 and 2 respectively.

let entry_size story = if Story.v3_or_lower (Story.version story) then 9 else 14

Given an object number, what is the address of the object table entry?

let address story (Object obj) = let (Object_tree_base tree_base) = tree_base story in let entry_size = entry_size story in Object_address (tree_base + (obj - 1) * entry_size)

Given an object number, what is the parent object number?

let parent story obj = let (Object_address addr) = address story obj in if Story.v3_or_lower (Story.version story) then Object (Story.read_byte story (Byte_address (addr + 4))) else Object (Story.read_word story (Word_address (addr + 6)))

I'm going to skip over the sibling and child; they are obvious given how we got the parent.

The last two bytes are an address of a block of properties.

let property_header_address story obj = let object_property_offset = if Story.v3_or_lower (Story.version story) then 7 else 12 in let (Object_address addr) = address story obj in Property_header (Story.read_word story (Word_address (addr + object_property_offset)))

We'll decode the rest of the property data later; it's complicated. But the first thing in the property data block is a byte containing the length (in words, not bytes or zchars!) of the zstring-encoded name which follows. This is so that interpreter writers can simply skip right past the name and get to the property data. Personally I would have solved this problem by putting the address of a string here rather than the string itself, but that's not what they did.

The length is permitted to be zero, in which case the object does not have a name and there is no string data at all. To call this out I'll return "<unnamed>".

let name story n = let (Property_header addr) = property_header_address story n in let length = Story.read_byte story (Byte_address addr) in if length = 0 then "<unnamed>" else story (Zstring (addr + 1))

All right, we have done what we set out to do. Let's display that table. We can just do what we did last time: turn each one into a string with a little helper method, and then use my accumulator loop function to loop from object one through"

Wait a moment, how many objects are there?

The story does not contain any count of how many valid objects there are. And why should it? The authors of the game know how many there are, and its not like an interpreter ever needs to loop over all the objects. However, we can guess. In practice, every story file has the property header for the properties of object 1 immediately following the last object entry. There is of course no requirement that the property block for any object be anywhere, but this convention is consistently followed so let's take advantage of it:

let count story = let (Object_tree_base table_start) = tree_base story in let (Property_header table_end) = property_header_address story (Object 1) in let size = entry_size story in (table_end - table_start) / size

And now we can display our object table. (Valid object numbers are from 1 to count, so we abort the loop when we get to count + 1.)

let display_object_table story = let count = count story in let to_string i = let current = Object i in let (Object parent) = parent story current in let (Object sibling) = sibling story current in let (Object child) = child story current in let name = name story current in Printf.sprintf "%02x: %02x %02x %02x %s\n" i parent sibling child name in accumulate_strings_loop to_string 1 (count + 1) 

And we can call this in our main routine:

let table = Object.display_object_table story in Printf.printf "%s\n" table

to get the object table:

01: 24 93 00 forest02: 1b 77 5f Up a Tree03: 24 b3 00 water04: 2d 5a 00 pair of hands05: 1b 2e 00 Inside the Barrow06: a1 98 00 control panel07: 1b a5 29 Dome Room08: 37 00 00 torch09: ac 32 00 jade figurine0a: 44 00 00 lunch0b: 1b 57 70 Round Room0c: a1 00 00 matchbook0d: 2d 6d 00 brave adventurer0e: 1b 49 00 Maze0f: 1b 72 00 Canyon View10: 88 00 00 parchment map11: 8c 4b 00 pair of candles...

Which is great, but clearly these are in no particular order and it is very difficult to see the tree structure here.

Next time on FAIC: we'll re-organize that into a tree.

3944 b.gif?
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