This was once an artist's studio. The walls are splattered with paints of 69 different colors. To the west is a doorway (also covered with paint). A dark and narrow chimney leads up from a fireplace; although you might be able to get up it, it seems unlikely that you could get back down.
On the far wall is a painting of unparalleled beauty.
> take the painting
> go west
> go up
> put the painting in the trophy case
> go down
> go north
> go northeast
Always wait until after you've prayed to get the painting; it's so much easier that way than climbing up the chimney.
Code for this and the next several episodes is at
We are so close to being done with decoding an instruction. Today: some instructions compute a result and then conditionally branch. Let's decode them.
Once again I will need to know which instructions contain branches; they are listed in the specification.
let has_branch opcode ver = match opcode with | OP0_181 -> Story.v3_or_lower ver (* "save" branches in v3, stores in v4 *) | OP0_182 -> Story.v3_or_lower ver (* "restore" branches in v3, stores in v4 *) | OP2_1 | OP2_2 | OP2_3 | OP2_4 | OP2_5 | OP2_6 | OP2_7 | OP2_10 | OP1_128 | OP1_129 | OP1_130 | OP0_189 | OP0_191 | VAR_247 | VAR_255 | EXT_6 | EXT_14 | EXT_24 | EXT_27 -> true | _ -> false
Branch decoding is a little bit complicated because there are both "short branches" and "long branches". Most branches only move the current instruction forwards a small number of bytes, so those can be encoded in a single byte. Branching a large number of instructions, or branching backwards, requires a longer instruction. Again, this thing is built for compactness, not for ease of use. Let's go to the spec.
Instructions which test a condition are called "branch" instructions. The branch information is stored in one or two bytes, indicating what to do with the result of the test.
- If bit 7 of the first byte is 0, a branch occurs when the condition was
false; if 1, then branch is on true.- If bit 6 is set, then the branch occupies 1 byte only, and the "offset" is in the range 0 to 63, given in the bottom 6 bits.
- If bit 6 is clear, then the offset is a signed 14-bit number given in bits 0 to 5 of the first byte followed by all 8 of the second.
- An offset of 0 means "return false from the current routine", and 1 means "return true from the current routine".
- Otherwise, a branch moves execution to the instruction at address (Address after branch data) + Offset - 2.
All right, that is some bit twiddling going on there but we can handle it. First I am going to need a type to represent the branch. A branch has two parts: the address branched to, which might be a return instead of an address, and whether it is branch-on-true or branch-on-false:
type branch_address = | Return_true | Return_false | Branch_address of instruction_address
All right, that's that. What about the sense? I have a bunch of possible choices here:
type branch = { address : branch_address; sense : bool }
type branch = | On_true of branch_address | On_false of branch_address
type branch = Branch of bool * branch_address
We haven't seen that last syntax before; it means "the Branch constructor takes a tuple where the first element is a bool and the second is a branch address".
You know what, just to mix it up a bit, I'm not going to assign this type a name at all, and we'll see how that works. I'm just going to say that a branch is a tuple of bool and branch address, and let that type stay anonymous. We'll see if this works!
Now we can write the code:
let decode_branch branch_code_address opcode ver = if has_branch opcode ver then let high = read_byte branch_code_address in let sense = fetch_bit bit7 high in let bottom6 = fetch_bits bit5 size6 high in let offset = if fetch_bit bit6 high then bottom6 else let low = read_byte (inc_byte_addr branch_code_address) in let unsigned = 256 * bottom6 + low in if unsigned < 8192 then unsigned else unsigned - 16384 in let branch = match offset with | 0 -> (sense, Return_false) | 1 -> (sense, Return_true) | _ -> let branch_length = if fetch_bit bit6 high then 1 else 2 in let (Byte_address address_after) = inc_byte_addr_by branch_code_address branch_length in let branch_target = Instruction (address_after + offset - 2) in (sense, Branch_address branch_target) in Some branch else None
Make sure that makes sense to you. This thing takes an address, an opcode, and a version. It gives you back an optional tuple of bool and branch address.
And of course we'll need to know how long the branch portion of the instruction is.
let get_branch_length branch_code_address opcode ver = if has_branch opcode ver then let b = read_byte branch_code_address in if fetch_bit bit6 b then 1 else 2 else 0 in
There's a couple lines of duplicated code here, but, whatever. I'm not going to stress about it.
Next time on FAIC: we'll read the trailing strings that follow two of the "print" instructions, and then we'll put the whole thing together.