Security advisories for Wednesday
Debian has updated libmatroska (information leak) and pixman (code execution).
Fedora has updated krb5 (F23:null pointer dereference), webkitgtk (F23:multiple vulnerabilities), and webkitgtk4(F23: denial of service).
openSUSE has updated bind(Leap42.1: two vulnerabilities).
Oracle has updated foomatic (OL6:two vulnerabilities), kernel (OL6: memoryleak), krb5 (OL6: two vulnerabilities), andtomcat6 (OL6: Security Manager bypass).
Red Hat has updated foomatic(RHEL6: three vulnerabilities), git(RHEL6,7: code execution), git19-git(RHSCL: code execution), kernel (RHEL6:memory leak), krb5 (RHEL6: twovulnerabilities), nss-util(RHEL6.2, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 7.1: code execution), RHOSE (multiple vulnerabilities), and tomcat6 (RHEL6: Security Manager bypass).
Scientific Linux has updated foomatic (SL6: three vulnerabilities), git (SL6,7: code execution), kernel (SL6: memory leak), krb5 (SL6: two vulnerabilities), and tomcat6 (SL6: Security Manager bypass).
SUSE has updated rubygem-actionview-4_1 (SOSC5: two vulnerabilities).