Comment 18A Re: Anonymous Cow Herds Can't Vote


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Anonymous Cow Herds Can't Vote (Score: 1, Informative)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-04-28 13:56 (#17K)

Ugh, I didn't find that out until deliberating and making all my selections.


Also, the 1 is most trusted, 8 is least trusted (but yield 8 and 1 point respectively) methodology could be made more clear.

It's this kind of confusion that may have led to inaccurate voting results on another site recently.

Re: Anonymous Cow Herds Can't Vote (Score: 1)

by on 2014-04-28 14:10 (#17P)

The linked wikipedia article goes into great detail (with samples!) of how points are given. There is also a rather large "voting methods" section in wikipedia that give sample ballots of actual elections. I did find it odd that the name-vote from Soylent had the order swapped. In every ballot on wikipedia, "1" is always the highest priority.

Re: Anonymous Cow Herds Can't Vote (Score: 1)

by on 2014-04-28 22:36 (#18A)

But why Borda anyway? There's no way to say "1" for X, "4" for Y, and "8" for everything else.

Honestly, I have *zero* trust in almost all of those other ones, why should I be expected to distinguish between them?

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