Why normal people are hideous
I'm away from the office this week on a top secret mission, so instead of posting new stuff, I've scheduled a few vintage Boing Boing posts. I don't remember posting most of these, and I hope you don't remember reading them.
[This is from October 2, 2006]
Excellent 1994 anti-normal rant from "Nenslo" will appear in the forthcoming book The SubGenius Psychlopaedia of Slack:
Who is it that gets together in mobs andhunts down, tortures and kills people who aredifferent from them? Who is it that teaches modesty, courtesy, and generositv but lives in depravity, rudeness, and greed? Who is it that can gather together the time, energy and money to murder millions and destroy cities for the sake of a flag, deity, or economic system? Not weirdoes, not kooks or cranks or nuts. It's the "Normal" people who do those things.
It's the "Normal" people who believe there's only one "real world" and it's the one THEY'RE living in. It's the "Normal" people who kill each other over differences in that reality, and if someone can't trick themselves into ignoring the millions of inconsistencies or can't gloss over the gaping flaws in that reality-construct, or can't even pretend convincingly that they believe that flimsy and self-contradictory world is ALL TRUE, rather than have their own illusory stability undermined or accept that other ways of thinking and seeing might be valid, the "Normal" people imprison those "mentally ill," and experimentally destroy their personalities by use of drugs, electroconvulsion, and brain surgery.]