Comment 1AR Re: Nice.


Pipedot USB Drive


Nice. (Score: 2, Insightful)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-05-02 12:18 (#1AN)

This is a very nice move on your part, Bryan. I have an account, but post (and even submitted a story that was accepted) as an AC because I'm at work. Absolutely no resentment that I'm not getting a USB drive, just wanted to let you know that you are a class act.

Keep up the great work. I'll keep contributing.

Re: Nice. (Score: 3, Interesting)

by on 2014-05-02 13:22 (#1AR)

Wow - even the ACs are cooler here than on Slashdot :) When is the last time you ever saw an anonymous cow-herd say thanks anywhere? Nice one, AC.

Proof, I suppose, of the other side of the argument about anonymity. There are so many different ways to run forums out there and there is a prevalent train of thought that anonymity leads to abuse and anti-social behavior. That may be true - hell, I've been on Usenet long enough to see it happen there - but some forums that allow anonymity also permit people to contribute who would otherwise be reluctant to do so. That's an interesting observation.

Likewise, forced use of real name (Facebook, G+) was supposed to make people more civil and stand behind their comments on the Internet. But in practice that hasn't happened either. Look at the comments on Youtube these days: even though accounts are tied to G+ accounts now there is still a surprisingly high number of asshat posts out there, despite usage of real name. I conclude that asshats will be asshats, and even anonymous cowards can be forthright and decent contributors.

Does this mean the debate on anonymity in forums has just been rendered null and void?


Time Reason Points Voter
2014-05-02 14:51 Interesting +1
2014-05-02 17:00 Interesting +1

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