Comment 1DE Re: congratulations on an awesome achievement!


Pipecode source released


congratulations on an awesome achievement! (Score: 3, Interesting)

by on 2014-05-05 08:59 (#1CG)

i wonder if we can convince the powers that be over @ soylent to have a look at the possibility of maybe using pipecode... they might even be able to use apache2 :-P

Re: congratulations on an awesome achievement! (Score: 4, Insightful)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-05-05 09:13 (#1CJ)

Not likely, although frankly Pipedot code + Soylent numbers/community would be a win/win. The more I look at that old Slash code, the more my nostalgia for it fades and the more I'm annoyed by its antiquated interface.

But I doubt you'll convince them to change much of anything. Look how hard it has been to even discuss/vote on a name change? They seem to be burdened by, rather than benefiting from, the community spirit that drives the site - Democratic processes are fun but sometimes a benevolent dictator gets things done faster. Ever see that t-shirt of a pyramid, with the slogan 'slavery gets shit done'? That's a bit extreme - I'm not defending slavery - but it's easy to see kumbaya democracy undermining the ability of a community to be effective.

Re: congratulations on an awesome achievement! (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-05-05 13:45 (#1CW)

Ditto. I really hate the way Soylent looks at the moment, with such bad screen density and utility that it takes way too long to read any discussion. (And the brown doesn't help either.)

Hey did Bryan write pipecode completely from scratch? That seems extreme, but it works very well.

Re: congratulations on an awesome achievement! (Score: 3, Insightful)

by on 2014-05-05 21:11 (#1DE)

It looks written from scratch. There don't seem to be any crappy old boondoggles cluttering it up and useless "feature" slowing it down.

Yet again, many thanks Bryan!


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2014-05-09 09:19 Insightful +1
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2014-05-07 03:02 Normal 0

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