Comment 1F2 Sounds about right


How materialism makes us sad


Sounds about right (Score: 3, Interesting)

by on 2014-05-07 15:43 (#1F2)

I'm inclined to agree. I move frequently, even after marriage and kids, so every 2-3 year we are forced to do a sweep of our possessions, since we can't bring it all with us. Out with the old toys, clothes, gadgets, junk. No pack rats here - when you are forced to pay by the kilo to move things, you start drawing a much tighter distinction between 'need' and 'no need.' I see my folks in their house, stuffed with junk, and managing, organizing, rotating, and maintaining all that crapola becomes a job in itself. I'm happy to have a much simpler lifestyle, and as reward we are mostly free to go where we want to. If a great job came up on the other side of the world, it would be a no-brainer to accept it, because uprooting and moving there wouldn't be a big deal at all. 'Course, going digital has a lot to do with the simplified lifestyle: fewer physical possessions to haul around.


Time Reason Points Voter
2014-05-07 18:35 Interesting +1
2014-05-08 08:27 Interesting +1

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