Comment 1F7 Good luck, Texas


Bicycle-powered water treatment


Good luck, Texas (Score: 3, Insightful)

by on 2014-05-07 17:08 (#1F7)

Texas is probably going to be a desert in another few decades. They are already experiencing extreme water stress of the sort that changes ecosystems. Not too late to repent, Texas! I'm kidding about repenting, but the climate change thing is real - whether you agree it's man-made or not. Humans have been utterly unable to make any difference in the rapidly expanding Sahara desert, the drying of the Gobi, the water stress of California and beyond. Ultimately, this race of apes is going to have to evolve or perish. Urk, we don't know how to evolve! We just like buying and consuming more stuff!

Read Robert D. Kaplan's The Coming Anarchy if you want a glimpse of what resource scarcity and population pressure will lead us to. Hint: looks more like Lagos, Nigeria and less like Beverly Hills, Hollywood. Have a nice generation!


Time Reason Points Voter
2014-05-08 07:41 Insightful +1
2014-05-07 17:42 Insightful +1

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