Demystifying Heironymous Bosch with this visual marvel of a book
Hieronymous Bosch: Complete Works
by Stefan Fischer (author) and Hieronymus Bosch (artist)
2016, 300 pages, 9.7 x 13.1 x 1.2 inches
$27 Buy a copy on Amazon
It is, perhaps, fitting that we know the date of Heironymous Bosch's death while his date of birth remains unclear. We know that Bosch died 500 years ago and so much of what he left us is directly concerned with the afterlife or at least the spiritual journeys that humanity takes to the endpoint of life. The artwork of Bosch is wholly concerned with Christian allegory of the most human, inhuman, and superhuman variety. When one comes to behold a Bosch masterpiece, the lives of saints and the woes of sinners are the subject matter, and sometimes they are one and the same. There is a complexity that is easily identified in any one Bosch piece, but unravelling the intertwined religious and cultural allegories is beyond most. In Heironymous Bosch, The Complete Works, we are offered a unique opportunity, not only to demystify singular works of Bosch, but to take in the entire life and progression of this artist's journey.