The Art of Finding Dory – Beneath the surface of Disney's amazing aquatic adventure
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The Art of Finding Dory
by Disney and Pixar Studios (preface by John Lasseter)
Chronicle Books
2016, 176 pages, 9.5 x 11.5 x 1 inches
$36 Buy a copy on Amazon
The Art of Finding Dory is more than a companion book to the new Disney Pixar movie - it's an in-depth look at all aspects of the development and production process for an animated film. Finding Dory the movie explores the life of the forgetful little blue fish known as Dory, while the book not only delves into Dory's background, but also lets the reader experience the imagination (and magic) of Pixar and Disney. The team behind the movie spent countless hours at beaches, aquariums, marine rehabilitation centers, and along the California coastline to create the most realistic world possible under the sea. They researched how light filters through the ocean, how sea life travels in deep water, and how to make authentic-looking coral reefs out of clay. The Art of Finding Dory chronicles their creative process through photos, hand drawings, computer generated images, story boards, and detailed color palettes. It took four years to bring Finding Dory to the big screen. Once you read The Art of Finding Dory you will understand what a true labor of love the journey was. - Carole Rosner