Late Night Monday Live Stream
I haven't made the official announcement yet, but there will now be a regular schedule for my live drawing. The streaming days will be"
Monday/Wednesday/Friday (I'll work out the best times for each stream asap)
Tonight's stream is starting crazy late and this won't be the norm. Tonight I'm (finally) finishing the newest Goblins page. However, the visuals of this page are not very spoilery. It's the dialogue that'd be spoilery, and you won't see that on the stream.
Warning: I have gotten a comically small amount of sleep in the last few days, and I know from experience, that I can seem a little" intoxicated if I'm sleep deprived enough. I've made a fool of myself before (more than usual even ) so to avoid this tonight, I'll be fairly toned down. I'm happy to answer questions, etc while I'm drawing.